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this month I'll do content for patreon again.

As I said before, I will make some changes in the patreon content for 2 reasons.

-The first thing is that I'm kind of tired of making images with different versions, I feel somewhat stuck doing just that (These images have to be done in a certain way so that the alternative versions look good, since I do not like that the clothes do not look tight on the girls and this can take a long time)

-And second I want to make more animations.

So from now on I'll stop making so many alternate versions and use that time to make animations.

I also want to make more detailed images without alternate versions or maybe only with an alternate version (cum version or something simple).

Finally I plan to soon open a couple of slots for commissions through patreon. This time they will have the value of a commission since the requests took me the same time of a commission. 



That sounds good to me was talking with another patreon creator(neocoills) about a similar change as far as cutting back on alternative versions and doing more detailed/single pieces so I'm on board also looking forward to more animations from you.


I for one, am all in favor of this change.


Sounds 'bout right, i'm on for more animations instead of image sets and i think this will only benefit you, remember that quality beats quantity!