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Hellooo patrons, sorry for the deleted post earlier, it had some issues not uploading the gifs -.-" So here are some upcoming short, simple loops I'm working on as the time flies by. I'm doing them as a distraction from the work.
I would also like to finish some of them in the Adobe Animate (Flash) It grabbed my attention after so many years and updates, but the program is still NOT GOOD >_< It lacks basic features, I'm not even complaining about the shitty brush, but the very basic onion skin, no light table, no frame instances, the coloring, selecting...
Which is a shame, it could be easily the best animation software.

Thank you for your support!




I have a question, will you ever do any tutorials? Like for example anatomy?

Michael Huff

You're doing God's work flou, keep it up.


Love the gif cant wait for the final project


Sugoi Dekai.


You're attention to detail is phenomenal (Especially the feet)! Do you use live or personal references or are they from scratch?


So spectacular, thank you for sharing with us your "downtime" work.


these here were from scratch xD but I use a lot of references, mainly photos I find online