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  • day01_process_video.mp4



Helloo patrons, here is full version of your inktober rewards. I will post Inktober rewards every week from now on, so it's not annoying. Feel free to leave some suggestions in the comments bellow, maybe I will pic one.

I will upload psd later, idk what's going on, it doesn't want to upload >_<

Thank you for your support!




This looks great! Thank you for sharing. I was looking forward to daily, but weekly is just as pleasant (assuming you will post the whole week of inktober images, please). For my suggestion: Chains. I love the punk studs, but I am wondering if chains from the ear to nose or around the neck or nipples would be fun.


Pleaaaase don't cancel the challenge! Even if Inktober is questionable, there are many substitutive challenges people have done, you can even make your own!


I'm sorry but I was looking forward for this event and finding this controversy has totally turned me off. I know there are other kinktober challenges ;D but no worries, I'll keep this artstyle with my next drawings ;))


YESSS! PSD is uploaded!