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Helloo patrons, first of all, thanks so much for the support, it's amazing, it makes me very happy!

Okay, for the reddit post, it was actually leaked patreon only content! Some prick had to do it...The only public version is animatic on my Newgrounds so far and few gifs on my social media. 

What you have seen on reddit is a locked cut of my lewd short called PinkToy.
Since you are my patrons now, you can actually download high quality version here

or see all pink toy related stuff here, the latest post is a little "post credit" scene xD

Thank you for your support! ^^




Did you get it removed?


Honestly I saw it on reddit and I came over here to sub haha


yeah, the last 200 patrons did, thank you very much! xD

Soda Lord

Ah yeah, I remember seeing it pop up on reddit the other day. I was like "is that allowed?" Sorry that had to happen.


Honestly the whole reddit thing is why I found and subbed. It does suck because of all the hard work you put on this got leaked.


It does suck that it got leaked, but it’s actually why I’m here lol. A guy in the comments said you had like 425 patrons at the time, and it’s been 7 hours or so since I saw it and now you have 592. I’d say it might have been worth it, from money perspective at least.


Man, so the latest version you posted here got leaked? That sucks, my dude!

Jauke Weterings

Luckily that big water mark was on it, that's why I'm your patron now


Well I'm a sub now and tbh if i only saw the shorter version i probably wouldn't have been as interested


That sucks it got leaked. On the flip side you got a new patron out of it. 😊


It really sucks about the leak but I hope you've recouped your costs by now. I actually found you on Reddit then followed you on twitter a while ago. I love love love your content. Please don't let assholes discourage you!


Keep up the good work! We will be sure to properly appreciate pink toy when you officially post it on reddit :)


I feel like I pirated your work and am now paying you to create more, haha. I came in on the reddit train and look forward to your future works. =D

Cheese Al Fonte

I didn't know it was even leaked on Reddit, sorry to hear that :(. So was it just the same cut that you already published here on Patreon for us to see? Regardless, I still look forward to the final cut of the animation :)


Oh, I Saw that post. I was so mesmerized by the artstyle I went here and dropped my support xD


thanks :D yeah, it's the same cut but h.264 video ^^


As many already pointed out, I'm sad about the douchebag leaking your paywalled content, but I'm relieved you're getting the recognition you deserve here on Patreon... At least it's your OC, so you won't get hundreds of fanart-hungry new followers :'D


It's usually a bad thing to hear... but I'm glad this time ended happily: the more the merrier! 😊


I found you on reddit, I wouldn't of pledged or known you exist if it wasn't posted there.

Akra Naragaki

Yeah I'm with this guy. Sucks it got leaked but it brought me here so I can support you. Silver lining and all that.