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Helloo patrons, this is about future content. I'm canceling the monthly polls and suggestions. I wasn't enjoying my art lately at all and it is because of this. It's like taking commissions. I just have enough...

This change means I will be able to work on stuff I enjoy, which is the good old content I'm known for (like the pinktoy, all the tits animations, lewdest lewds, sailor moon...it was all spontaneous) they are casual and everyone is enjoying it more then my monthly fan arts so, why should I put my precious time into work that not many people enjoys? 

It doesn't mean I will not do fan arts, I'll just do fan arts of things that I want to do. My most popular content is the spontaneous one, not the monthly fan arts. Even PinkToy was just like that, it started as a joke xD

This means that I will cancel the stuff on my list to clear out my schedule, I'm very sorry but I can't work like this anymore >_<
♦ Nami & Nico anim
♦ Hanekawa (tho it's almost finished)
♦ Kiruin Satsuki anim
♦ Matoi Ryuko

As the last July poll, I will do it since it's ongoing, so no worries about that one.

I hope you understand, here is another piece of lewdest lewds for you all at least, featuring my new OC, Rinn

Thank you all for your support, have a nice day!



J Tor

Does "(it's almost finished)" mean you'll just finish off the Hanekawa to be done with it?

Draven Shadow

As long as you do what you enjoy then it'll be awesome cuz it will show in your work imo. I say do what feels right for you and you won't go wrong. 😁👍


I totally understand and support your choice, artists should work about what they really want to do outside of commissions. Just sad to loose the work you've already done, especially if almost finished. I can't deny that I'd like to still have a release whenever you'd have time of what you've already done, even if unpolished. Is there a chance for this? That said, it's your work and ultimately what you want to do is what counts the most.


thanks, yeah it really shows up in my work, the art looks better and it's even more lewd xD


thanks, appreciate it ˆˆ probably not &gt;_&lt; I rather won't promise anything


As an Imaishi fan, this saddens me a lot but I can cope with the idea that you'll work on stuff you feel more comfortable with.


Hey Flou, glad you are going to do what makes you happy. Do you have another, preferred Paid platform we could use instead of ptreon? Several artists I follow have had patreon issues with drawing what they want (including Sailor Moon).


I'd honestly be fine with the WIPs for the stuff you were working on being posted at some point in the future even if they're unfinished. Something's better than nothing after all, looking forward to what you'll do from here on out though! :)


I'm very sorry, I'm his big fan too, but his style doesn't quite fit me xD


yes, I'm working on Subscribe star and fan box, a lot of friends are migrating too


Understandable, do what you want


losing fan arts &gt; losing flou arts, always


Always 100% behind whatever you feel like putting out. May as well be something you’re interested in doing!


I started following you for your own art not the fanarts, that being said I can't help but be disappointed specifically because I was rly looking forward to the Matoi Ryuko art as well as Azula.. but anyways that doesn't matter as long as you are enjoying what you are doing, now im looking forward to see more of what you have in store for us


I'm sorryyyy ;_; but as I said, Azula will be made, since it's an ongoing poll ;)) and I can't thank you enough for your support, thanks so much! ♥