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Helloo everyone, wanted to share this with you all. Some of you may know I'm struggling with tinnitus since January. I was today at my second neurology visit for x-ray results and we found out I have heavy scoliosis at cervical spine. When I saw the images, I thought for the moment how I can still move, I should be paralyzed xD Well, leaving this untreated would lead into a serious damage and surgery within 10 years ._. I'm only 29 and having such serious issue is alarming!

As scary as it sounds, it can be fixed quite quickly with physiotherapy, 6 weeks they say.  It is a good news and a bad news at the same time, finally know what is causing me tinnitus and all other issues (dizziness, headaches, sensitive teeth, bad hearing...) 

Still have to absolve ultrasound and then we will determine which therapy is best for me. Phew, I was shitting my pants last few days, I couldn't think straight at all, this is such a relieve for me you wouldn't believe! xD

The spine issue is caused by my drawing and sitting position behind the PC ._. Doc even showed me the pose without me telling her my job. Okay, that's all, sorry for the personal drama, but I wanted to share the good news with you! It's been greatly affecting my life lately, I couldn't work, sleep, think straight...helluva nightmare!

Oh and sorry for the Albedo delay, I'm just taking my time and doing one more image :> She deserves more after all xD




I hope the physiotherapy goes well!

Voodoo Monkey

Dang that sucks. What kind of chair are you using? Are you using a shitty chair? I few years ago I decided to bite the bullet and put the money down for a really good chair and it's probably been one of the best upgrades I've done. I picked up the Herman Miller Aeron. Since then, I've had literally zero back pain, no ass pain and can paint or animate all day at my desk.


Hope everything goes well Flou


a regular sofa xD well, this problem is accumulation over the years, it's not just chair, but the pose and habits...


I know you've probably heard this a lot, but remember to take breaks when you can and stretch!


yeah..well I shouldn't do anything for now, physiotherapists needs to release some trigger points first, then I can start slowly and very carefully

Blognarth, The Bringer of Ends

I feel your pain. Years of slouching and sitting at computers have left me with major lower back pain and a messed up neck; this is a major problem for me because I work at UPS, and load about a thousand boxes per day. So now I just do physical therapy and stretches to help fix it. Good luck mah dude, best of luck!

Draven Shadow

While it sucks big time I am very happy you found the cause of your pain and you'll be able to fix it without the need to have surgery. Please be careful and all the best of luck to you friend! 😁👍


Oh man, the physical stress of being an artist (e.g. bad posture, slouching, lack of stretching) ... Anyway, I'm really glad you got yourself checked out before it gets even worse. Hope everything goes smoothly! Some advice I could give you is to elevate your display tablet or try switching to a regular drawing tablet, so you can have everything at eye level. I also have scoliosis myself so I elevated my display tablet to my eye level, and my back is less strained. I'll DM you a photo of my workstation in a bit! ^^


That sucks but im glad you caught it now and its easily treated!


Hey, take your time and heal up. Its all good man!

Uncle Flaco

Glad yer doin well dude, Stay Strong 👍


This is good news for sure. Poor well-being and poor health is a big hindrance to work. But now everything will definitely be better!


oh thanks bloo ^^ I wouldn't even notice I have issue with my neck. I actually have those things in eye level, but I still sit like some bag of potatoes xD


Oh fuuuck, the old bendy boy will do it for sure. Awesome you finally have an answer to why all these other symptoms have come up, and physio is pretty non-intrusive at least. A way out and a way up, awesome 💪


Glad it can get fixed!


well as always please always remember to take care of yourself first and don't worry about the fans coming at you with pitchforks demanding another piece of art. btw is it possible for you to share with us what kinda pose could cause this ? many people have jobs behind screens all day and spend the rest of their day on that too.. hope you get better soon!


That’s not drama that’s crazy news! Glad every should turn out okay, waiting for test results is the worst


get better