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Hello patrons, sorry for the lack of content, I was sick again, had to visit ER this time -.-"" I really hate my health, it's driving me crazy and I bet you have enough too.....
ahhhh, I want a new body, this is sick since I was kid xD

Okay, here is a quick daily for you, a pale maid, I'll try to catch up the content!

Thank you for your support! 




Oh shiiiiiittttt, hope you’re okay now - I can totally help draw, just won’t be as good haha. But in all seriousness, I could not give a fuuuuuuuck about content, just here to support my favourite artist no matter what!


Hey, health comes first, physical or mental. Besides, this just means you're even more fired up when you get back to it!


Always put your health above anything else


Sorry to hear that but this drawing is really good!


To very intentionally sound like a broken record: Worry about yourself first. You wont come back to an angry mob with torches and pitchforks because you didnt draw some booty while you're sick lol. Hell just word you're still alive is good enough for me at least (cant speak for everyone)


not to undersell ur art, I anticipate it on daily basis, but really it's not remotely a priority when ur health is concerned, please take good care of yourself and stay healthy. I am sure the majority feels the same way as me, we support you cuz we really love your art and we want you to continue happily pursuing your passion


Good luck with your health. On the plus side, this maid is wonderful