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Hello patrons, I will make few changes to this patreon.

•  add new 10$ tier, more perks, custom emotes and widgets, credits, sketch and animation requests, art critique...more on this later
•  5$ patrons will also get more perks, like access to my lewdest content, more creative power, more voting polls for future content, earlier access...more on this later
•  there is way too many suggestions and votes, so 5$ tier patrons and higher will have more voting and suggestion power. I feel bad that 5$ tier patrons have less impact on this, so it has to change.
•  Making of videos are taking me too much time and disk space. So instead of the process, I will make a breakdown videos or animation/drawing tutorials. I don't want to buy another expensive disks because of this, I could invest the money more effectively. (like on the production, hiring artists...)
•  I'm so sorry the the stream goal doesn't work, I wish I had better internet connection, streaming is impossible for me atm. I was thinking maybe I could make a discord instead of the stream? Please tell me what do you think....
•  lastly, and this is maybe the most important change, this patreon is close to the 800$ goal, I wanted to wait till it's reached, but I've grown tired of this routine.
Once I'll finish the poll winners, I'll focus more on creating longer animation scenes with sound, my own content and more collaborations between artists.
It means no monthly fan art loops, polls or illustrations, but more like every 3 months.... I like to have this "free creative flow", then I can create really good stuff, like PinkToy, walk cycle loops or the boobs collection....I also have this idea of making my NSFW version of "U GOT THAT" and this monthly loops are just holding me back.
I enjoy doing them, but I feel there is no growth anymore...it's just the same stuff over and over, different character - different animation and that's all....we need something more!

okay, thank you for understanding and support, have a nice day!





Good luck with the changes! I'm looking forward to seeing more projects like Pink Toy, it's my favorite animation of yours.


Maybe have polls every 3 months instead of monthly to allow you pace your projects better but still be able to get ideas from patrons? Idk if that would work but I think that is a nice 'medium' between the two opposites

Cheese Al Fonte

Sounds exciting! I’m curious though. Maybe for the tutorials you have planned, how about you use the fanart you do for the polls in order to teach us about different topics? That way you can kill two birds with one stone, so that people can see how you made certain pictures without you always showing the full process each time, and we can learn about the topics you want to teach your patrons through the fanart you do. I’m fine with whatever you end up doing though. Especially because you want to create more specific animation/drawing tutorial content. Being able to learn how to improve at animating and drawing is the most valuable thing about your Patreon, and I love that you’re willing to do it. Especially if it’s compositing related, or setting up Clip Studio for animation. I’m also excited if you want to create more original NSFW content of your own. Maybe you can have patrons vote between various different original ideas for animations you have, once you want to start a new project? I think that would be fun. 😊


Couldn't be happier. I'm always kinda worried when artists have to please too much their fans at the expense of their own ambitions. I like your fanarts and I'm happy to see characters I know and love with your style, but I still prefer to see your own artistic choices. Pink toy is my favourite work of yours, can't wait to see more like that, even non-porn ones actually. If I may ask something: please, if possible, make also a version of your final works without dub. I'm not a fan of most amateur dubbings so it kinda bugs me when the only available files are with dub. I hope to not sound too rude. I'll definitely upgrade my tier with your new ones whenever they'll be available!


thank you very much ^^ yeah, that's what I thought about the breakdown videos, just showing how it was done + some tips or tricks...but teaching, especially fan art....idk what I could teach, because it is a straight forward process, it's same every time, sketch > ink > colors > shading > final touches and that's all... The compositing and more technical stuff could be better tho, there is a lot of topics I could cover. I'm now working on boobs drawing tutorial. I let 5$ patrons vote on some of my original content and ideas from time to time ;D Thanks for the comment, appreciate your feedback


thanks so much! ;D of course, there will be available silent versions, but most of the artists I'm in touch are pros, so no worries ;D I'm also picky about voice actors, but I have to admire their hard work, and want to collaborate with them + I believe the experience will make us grow! After all, my stuff wasn't like this either few years back xD Thanks, PinkToy started as a joke when I made certain anal loop xD thanks for the feedback!


Well, I think that it’s just the time to make your own version, and nothing should stop you if you want to.