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Hello patrons! Here is page from my new comics about Maya and Eve, trying out new gag toy. Ahhh... I wish I had more time and be able to finish this soon, but there is so much work on my list XD
-  13 commissions (and 3 are awaiting)
-  2 animation works for clients
-  patreon stuff
-  Pink Toy
-  2 Collaborations (another animations, and long one)
-  on top of that, no tablet XD
+ I have to take medications, keep diet and reduce stress (good joke) because my liver and immune system is damaged -.-" I don't want to complain about my situation, but you all should know what's going on, because it is affecting this patreon and your content...so I'm sorry in advance.

patrons will be rewarded with page sketches, full size pages, video process and source files at 5th of May.

Thank you for your support, best /,,/_




I love dildo gags <3


thank you for your work, and take it easy, what matters is that you take good care of your health