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Hellooo patrons!  First of all, thank you for your support and I would like to say Hi and welcome to new patrons. Thank you for coming ^^

   I think this October was the busiest month in my life. I had so many client work + commissions, also personal stuff and Inktober, which I had to quit. I was working on many interesting projects like eroge (I'll show you my part once is released, no worries ;D) prints, animated commercials...here is sample of my favorite one:

   It is commercial for local handmade aprons, where I have full creative freedom! :} It is really rare to work on commercials where I can have at east some creative freedom, especially rare when is sexy, so I wanted to share this one ;)

   And I've finally finished the PinkToy animatic, Yoko gif and some prints for my online store, which I hopefully launch very soon. But it was really hard this month, I will take November very lightly, I need to calm down after this madness, my heart and pen fingers still hurts xD 

Thank you very much, happy holidays, thanksgiving and Halloween around the world ;D best! 


Nial Iwakura

What kind of company is okay with sexy ads? Because they sound like a cool bunch.


I'll show you once it's finished ;)) they want provocative add on FB or YT, because their aprons are more popular in bedrooms then kitchens :D yeah, they are really cool, having fun with this project ^^