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Hi guys!

It's finally December! Whohooo! Christmas time! 

Anyway, sorry for the late with the other project. I had to spend most of the last two weeks preparing for one of my exams but now that it was a success, I have a month "break". And of course, just in time, right after the exam an illness got me so... yeaaaaah...

Maybe the new variant maybe not, don't really care since it's not that bad, but the last few days since Sunday was bad... 

Yesterday I finally got the strength to get up and put some short "Santa" stuff together for you! In my country, we celebrate Christmas and Santa's day at different times on the 5th and 6th of December so I wanted to give you something about this! 

The next comic is also coming these days just had to write the dialogues so I hope I won't get bad again and I can do it. So for now, please enjoy this short one!




Yay loved it🥰 good luck with the exams😘

DrewB (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-18 03:44:17 Happy holidays, A, good to see you back.
2021-12-08 20:08:20 Happy holidays, A, good to see you back.

Happy holidays, A, good to see you back.


Ow you celebrate Sinterklaas just like the Dutch. and good luck with your exams , and take care


Any update on new comic?