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Thank you for the response on the second change! ;) Here's the third switch as I promised! 



Omnissiah Zelos

I am really not getting these, are they meant to just be a sequence of many short ones? Your long ones are way better :(


As you can see the start are all the same - which I only included in the first one! After that you can see various different changes happen to them. Let's say these changes are happening Independent not one after another. Like different dimensions!

John Doe 777

Don't you have another patreon that makes stuff for age regression lol. The brat transformation in your other comics look young but they still could pass as 18 or 19 years old woman so is ok I guess, but in this they are transformed into young kids. I know there is NO sexual scenes or nudity in this comic (thank god) but it is implied on the last panel of something sexual happening to them. This stuff is too creepy for me!


Hey, sorry for the confusion! I didn't wanted to imply that they're about to have any erotic engagement! They become Geeks in this change and the toilet reference was about to imply the known bully action that they put the geek's head in the toilet. Let this be clear: I'm not intend to make any underage sex scene or comics or anything related to that. I've never done that before and I won't do it after. My work was always about bimbos and some other changes like what you've seen in this one. Turning my characters into brats are a change what many fans were asking again so I choose to do something similiar here. That is all! No sex scene with underage characters, hell I rarely do any sex scene in my bimbo tales! :) Hope with this explanation you can see where I stand!


Are we going to be seeing more "dimensions"?


Are you also bels04 by any chance? The art style looks really similar