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Whoooo!!! What a week! Finally back from my holiday and getting back to the daily routines! There's only one short trip left and than I'll be back focusing on the bigger comics! Until so, here is last weeks comic! Finally!

I hope you like it, have to say, I really like the final renders in this one! 



David L

Very interesting story liked the lost wish idea. Very reusable. Would I have like more time on face change one of my favorite things you do


any idea when the next comic will be out?


Was this inspired by a caption story? I loved one that had a similar premise. Would you use other captions and stories as inspiration in the future? It would be cool to see some stories adapted.


It was an original idea but I read many things like stories out there. Captions are not my thing, it's hard to find good ones what is for my taste :) But it happened before that I got some nice inspiration from one!