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The biggest hurdle of the episode is behind me, and now it's just normal sized hurdles in the shape of the other two matches. I've also finished the segment that follows the first match, so we're probably about a third-ish of the way through. This week has a few extra in-ring segments that aren't matches, so it's hard to judge exactly how far along we are.

I also went back and did all the post-production stuff on everything I had done so far, so now when I say that those segments are done, I actually mean done done. I had to update some assets and whatnot, but I think most of that stuff should be taken care of now.

At the moment I haven't added the animated wrestler entrances, but I might go back and add them in. Some of them I can just re-use, but there's a couple that will need to be made from scratch if I decide to go that route. I probably should, considering that this is the finale.

Alright... it's food time, then I'm going to get started on the next segment, which is Velveteen's punishment. I think this is the one big segment that I need to do two versions of for the sharing and non-sharing paths. Most of the other segments that I can think of won't need any changes to them.

I'll be back again in a few days with the next update!


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