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Sorry it's been a while since the last update, but this last week has been a mix of malaise, sickness, making decisions about the future of the game, and using Overwatch 2 as a reason to procrastinate.

I think I've been putting off working on the Halloween thingy because it requires some things that I have no idea how to approach. I've decided to stop sitting around and dreading it and just start working on it and I'll figure it out along the way. Or I won't, and I'll change it after a lot of cussing.

I spent most of this morning trying to come up with the location most of the action will take place, and I'm getting close to having something I can accept to start with.

I also have the segments leading up to the "main event" done, and most of the post-event things are at the very least sketched out, if not fully written.

At the very least I'm back to work, and that's something. I'll be back in a few with more progress (I hope).


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