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Well, the only thing that's scary is how little I've gotten done since the last update. I wrote and re-wrote the day four scenes several times, and finally got it to a point that I'm happy with. The second (of four) scenes is done, but the last two scenes are a bit more involved.

The biggest hurdle is that one of the scenes requires a lot more work because of the differences necessary for the sharing and non-sharing routes. After I get this day done, day five will most likely be shorter, and day six will be the last unless I decide to do a bit of a lead-in to week 10.

But hey... it's October! I'm going to be doing a one-off that will be publicly available to serve as this years Halloween event. It's going to be a bit different than usual and will feature a character created by our very own darkdreaming!

Also, since it's the beginning of the month, it must be contest time! Same deal as the last time. I'll pick something and give you one hint a day until someone guesses it. All supporter tiers are free to participate, and I'll go over everything else in a separate post. Prize is the same: you name a girl you want to see a photoshoot for and I'll do the rest! If there's a girl you want to see in costume, now is the perfect time!

I'll post the contest details shortly because I still haven't actually decided what the answer is going to be yet.

Oh, and the public release of Week 9.5 is coming this Thursday! See ya then!


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