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As suspected, the final match is going to be a pain in the butt. I'm doing okay so far, actually. I have the first entire sequence done, now it's time to switch momentum and work on the next sequence. I can't really write this one out, as I thought, so there's more sitting and thinking about what's next, but it hasn't been terrible thus far.

I took a break from the match and did a photoset for those of you at mid-carder and higher. It's a photoshoot that's referenced in Week 9 and I may have gone a little overboard with it as it ended up being 40 images, but it didn't take too long to do, so no harm, no foul I suppose. I'll be posting that as soon as I'm done writing this, so chances are it's already up.

Next on my to-do list is the Private Lessons finale, then finishing Week 9. The PL finale will be about the same length as the other two, so I should be able to bang that out in no time and get back to the main event.

I'll be back in a few days with the next update, and hopefully in less time with that with the Private Lessons finale!


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