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I'm about to start the last match, so we're creeping closer to the end. I have to go back and redo part of an earlier sequence I'm not happy with, but that won't take too long. The main hurdle is going to be this last match. Most matches are challenging to produce, but I may have put my balls in a vice with this one...

Yup. Cage match.

But not only is it a cage match, it's a tag-team cage match where all four people will be active at the same time. I've come to the conclusion that I must really hate myself.

I know how the match is going to end, but I don't have a clue what comes before that. I don't even know if I can try my new "write it out beforehand" method because having all four people wrestling at the same time is going to complicate things quite a bit. You can probably expect a lot of camera angles that only show what two people at a time are doing. I'll figure it out somehow.

I'll be doing another quick photoset in the next couple of days, so look for that. I'm also going to put out the finale of Private Lessons, but I don't know when that will come to fruition. Definitely before week 9 releases, though, because I reference something that will be discussed during that one-off.

Anyway, we're in the homestretch, but I still have a lot of work to do. I'll be back in a few days, hopefully with news that the last match is done, but I wouldn't bet money on it...


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