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Alright, this is regarding the way Bill looks at the end of Private Lessons pt. 2, so if you haven't played that yet, you probably should before you participate in the poll.

The question here is whether or not Bill's new look at the end of PL pt. 2 should be permanent or if she should revert back to her original look. Here's the justifications/story reasons behind both choices.

In her more "human" state, she obviously is less pale, but her speech patterns will also normalize somewhat. This will be shown mainly though her sentences and, specifically, the word "i" being capitalized. She'll also have more emotion in her statements, meaning that exclamation marks will be used when appropriate instead of everything sentence just ending with a period. She will still, for the time being at least, speak in the odd way she does.

If the change is just temporary, then her more lively look would just be a side effect of experiencing intense pleasure. After a brief period of time, this will wear off and she'll be back to normal.

If, however, it were to be permanent, the reasoning would be that she is becoming more "human" as she spends time in this world, and having intense experiences boosts this immensely.  Over time it is possible that she'll evolve a bit more and she'll begin speaking in a more "normal" way, but that would be sometime down the road.

Obviously this is a matter of taste. The permanent choice gives her more character growth, but at the expense of many of the things that make her unique.

What will it be?



Why no both? temporary at first but the more the change occur the longer she stay in her huma form till is become permanent. btw, is my imagination or are April boobs bigger?


While I really enjoy her "human" form, she fits the "Grim Reaper" theme so well that it would be a shame not to see it anymore, and I also like the idea of her having multiple "personalities", but I know I'll be happy regardless of the result of the poll, she's one of the best characters of all the roster IMO


I like this idea. Best of both worlds, and then maybe even if it does become permanent, there are scenarios that might cause her to turn back anyway.