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The subscription tiers have been updated, so make sure to check out if any changes affect you. Feel free to message me if you have any questions.

I want to address the fact that links to future episodes will not be posted here. I will notify everyone when new episodes are available to download, but then you'll have to go elsewhere to get the link. I'll be making a new area in the Discord server to post publicly available episodes, and I'll be posting the links in the appropriate areas of the server for those who have early access.

I will also send out the link in a message to everyone at the appropriate tier when you have access to the episode, so look out for that in your email. If you ever need a link (that you have access to), feel free to send me a message and I'll get it to you asap.

Sorry for any inconvenience this new system might cause!

Now onto the progress with the remastered prologue. The photoshoot scene was longer than I had anticipated. It was just about 40 or 50 images less than the banquet scene, as well as having about a dozen animations. More work than I was expecting, to be honest.

To counter that, I got waaaay more done on Memorial Day than I expected, so... that scene is done! That just leaves the epilogue, which is only about 40 images and... oh yeah! That's done, too. Everything is plugged into the script and now I need to go back, redo a couple of transition cards, and do whatever rewrites I need to do. If all goes well, everyone at fan-favorite and higher will have the episode tomorrow! Mid-carders will get access a week later, and everyone else a week after that.

Hopefully none of these changes are too jarring. I'll be back (hopefully) tomorrow with the release of a new and improved prologue! 


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