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I'll be putting up another poll for those of you that are fan-favorites and higher soon, but before I do I just wanted to talk about the last couple of polls.

I haven't put end dates for the polls, andmost likely will continue not to, because I put it up and let it run, then when I'm going to produce the part of the episode the poll deals with, I tally the votes from everywhere the poll is posted and use that result.

The last couple of polls, however, have had some entries come in after I started working on that section of the episode that changed the results to a different outcome than what it was when I started. I just want to bring this to your attention so you don't think that the polls are somehow meaningless.

The reason I don't want to set an end date is because I want to give everyone as much time as possible to vote and I'm never really quite sure exactly when I'll start work on a particular match or segment. To that end, I can do a couple of things to change how and when I do polls, so I figured I'd let you voice your preferences here in.. a poll about polls! This will obviously affect those of you at fan-favorite and higher more, but I want to hear from anyone who cares to vote since I do occasionally have polls for all tiers.

I can do one of three things:

1. Stay the course. Keep on doing what I'm doing, and if this situation occurs again then so be it.

2. Set end dates for polls. If I do this, the end dates may vary, but will probably be fairly short. Somewhere around 3 days most likely, especially early on in the episode's production.

3. Front load the polls as much as possible. This means that as soon as I have ideas for what could be in the episode (mainly match-ups and match results themselves), I would post the polls, leave them up as long as I can, then post the follow-up polls as needed. This means instead of being spread out throughout the month, most of the polls would be clumped together and put up at one time.  I've always tried to spread them out through the month, but if you think this would be the best way to do things, then it is what it is. This would still have the problem of possible late votes, but only for matches and segments early on in the episode.

Let me know what you think.

Now, I just wanted to add a note about the Boom-Boom poll and how she'll be handled in the future. The poll was close, but the winner was to have her sexy-times limb-free. The poll was so close, however, that normally I would try to put in alternate scenes for her to reflect how divided people seem to be on what they want to see when it comes to content with her.

I'm not going to. Not right now anyway. I have an idea for Boom-Boom that will see her get a job at the NSFW, so you'll probably see her more in the future. Those plans also include her meeting a certain mad scientist and psychotic nurse that work at the company. This meeting will result in Boom-Boom having a full compliment of prosthetics and not just her arm.

Sexy-time scenes with her after that happens may change how they're presented, or it may just depend on the scene itself. Either way, any sexy-time scenes she's in without her prosthetics will be optional.  That being said, Boom-Boom will be the focus of Boom-Boom's Birthday Party pt. 2 when it comes out. I'm not sure when that will be, but I've already got a first draft of the script written, so I know that she will be front and center during part 2.

For those of you who don't want to see sexy-times with her when she doesn't have prosthetics on, you're going to want to skip that one-off entirely and come back for part 3. Just a heads-up.


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