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I finally finished the first match. Procrastination is a hell of a drug.

In all seriousness, that should hopefully be the longest segment to finish due to the fact that it was a tag team match, and it ended up being fairly robust.. almost 120 images including the intro and outro.

Now I need to plug them all into the script and add the commentary, which will take a while because.. you know.. almost 120 images.

The next segment will be quick and easy... SHOULD be quick and easy. After that is the Queen of the Obscene match and that should also be fairly quick IF I can figure out a way to do what I want to with it. Sometimes the assets I have available to me don't exactly play nice with my ideas, but I'll do what I always do.. adapt and overcome!

I'm going to try to write the first part of the next one-off after I get the first match plugged into the script. It will probably be the longest of however many parts there are going to be because EXPOSITION.

I don't think it will be a challenge to do, though, since I'll be making excuses for only a few people to be involved at a time. After I find what I want to use as an interior it should go smoothly, so hopefully I can bang that out in short order.

I'm thinking of doing a few special pictures of some of the girls relaxing on the beach, so if there's someone in particular that you want to see hanging around in their swimwear, let me know in the comments!

Until next time!


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