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So, the latest one-off episode is available, but as for progress on Week 7.. there hasn't been much.

One of the reasons I wanted to do one-offs this time is so that you'll have some content while I work on Week 7. I know, I know.. "If you'd just focus on Week 7 instead of the extra shit, it'd get done faster!"

That's true, but these one-offs are extra bits I want to do because I can freely do some content that would otherwise be difficult to write into the main episodes. A lot of that will be sharing content, but obviously where there's sharing content, there's also an alternative to that path.

That is one of the big reasons my progress on Week 7 has been slow. I once again started with a fairly robust opening scene, and while I have the sharing path version completed, I now need to go back and make the non-sharing path. This scene isn't quite as easy to "film around" the alternative content, so I have to make sure there's an equal amount of "fun times" in both scenes, which requires doing a large amount of the scene a second time.

Luckily not every scene has this issue, but when sharing content is involved it really is almost twice as much work as normal. I don't want to half-ass one path or the other, so.. it is what it is.

The one-offs allow me to take a break from thinking about how I'm going to do an alternate path in a scene and I can come back refreshed with a clear head. Of course, this particular one-off also required me to make two versions of the scene, but I used a bit of forethought to set up different saves and isolated shots that I could just replace what was going on with the alternate version.

Hopefully going forward I'll remember to plan out what I'm doing and save often for scenes like this so they don't bog me down as much as it has this time.

Anyway, I'll get back to work on week 7 now and.. oh.. I just remembered:

I'm going to be getting a discord set up that will have some Patron-only areas in it. More on that when it gets closer to happening.

Until next time, enjoy Reiko's Maid!


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