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So the results are in, and a more open relationship was the winner. However, having the mc involved whenever loved ones are shared had enough votes to warrant a solution to appease both sides.

So I came up with the most obvious solution: make it a choice.

Most sharing will involve the mc. It has always been the plan, and that hasn't changed. However, sometimes an idea might pop up and there will be a situation where the mc isn't involved. In all of those situations, I will make sure that there is a choice to skip that content.

I'm not going to put in an additional choice that separates sharing and open relationship paths, but there will always be that choice to skip any sharing content not involving the mc.

I just put v1.1 of week 6 up and added the Gary choice back in. If you're on the non-sharing path, you'll only see Justice and Carrie as choices. If you're on the sharing path, you'll see the additional Gary choice, but that's all it is.. a choice.

I'm trying to make this appeal to as many people as possible, and the best way to do that is to just add enough choices that you only have to see what you want to.

I hope that works for you all!


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