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Dear members, 

I am getting so excited by what’s coming up on my Patreon this weekend and beyond that I decided to create a public post so that those of you who aren’t paid members don’t miss out. As it’s a public post, I chose carefully the images that I have included and any remaining nudity has been censored.

So, starting with later today a glam post with the beautiful Natalie in a brand new Honey Birdette set, created at our latest shoot, which was only last Saturday; it includes a couple of rather erotic voyeuristic shots that I love.  For tomorrow morning, as a VIP exclusive, I have scheduled an amazing eleven minutes video with Tanya modele teasing - fully nude - by the swimming pool, from one of my shoots with Tanya in Cyprus. For the afternoon, I have scheduled a post with five beautiful images showcasing Ashley’s beauty in Tenerife - four of which are arty nudes.  These are from last week’s trip to Tenerife with Ashley and Sophia - there’s already quite a bit of content from this trip posted or scheduled.  I am devoting Sunday to Czech beauty Teila - with a second VIP exclusive containing images from the most revealing set we shot - a bedroom tease.  

I have included screenshots with what’s already in the pipeline for the next ten days or so, so I won‘t bore you with the details.  Please note, however, that I am leaving spaces for content that will be created from my two upcoming shoots, one of which is tomorrow and the other next Wednesday. Both shoots are with new - to me - stunning British models.  I can’t wait for those too!

Last but not least, please be reminded that by supporting me as a paid member, you will not only be able to access thousands of posts and collections with over 40 beautiful models.  You are also supporting me to create even more - and you are offered opportunities to become part of my creative process. My patrons’ feedback is an important ingredient in what I do.



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