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Delighted to break the news that earlier today I have been awarded another FPI with Antonia Jay - it’s the second in five days!  It’s also the second from our shoot on 2nd February, in which I encouraged Antonia to be as creative as she wanted (you may remember the post “Creative Antonia”).  The pose and the use of the banana was entirely Antonia’s idea - I’m so glad I had some bananas at home!

I do, however, want to take credit for the framing, composition, lighting  and camera settings.  We were blessed with strong sunlight that day and I did make the most of it.  I placed Antonia in light and used a slatted chair on the other side of the table to create the shadows on the plate. I set the exposure on the brightest part of the image. As usual, I under-exposed slightly, thereby avoiding overexposure. This also made sure that the u lit areas became dark, giving a moody feel to the composition.  The image was then retouched by Alexander Fess but I do include the unedited version at the end of the post, so you can see what Alex did to it.  I am adding a screenshot with camera settings for those interested in the technique behind the image.

This is now my 74th Front Page Image on Purpleport. Still some way to go to 100.  Hopefully that target will be reached by the end of 2024.



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