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Last Friday’s shoot with Antonia was driven almost entirely by Antonia’s ideas.  I wanted it to be that way as it was a collab shoot - she volunteered two hours of her time after she finished her shoots with others.  For such shoots I like to listen to a model’s ideas and more often than not go with them, assuming they’re feasible technically   - this is very empowering for models, who are used to being dictated to by photographers, and often leads to some really creative shots.  

At the end of the shoot Antonia chose all her favourites and as she couldn’t wait for Alex’s edits, she edited a few herself and posted them on Purpleport and Instagram. The images in this post are the ones that stood out for me from Antonia’s favourites, which were then retouched by Alexander Fess.  Antonia’s own edits aren’t bad at all - in fact one she posted on Friday night on Purpleport went straight into the FPI queue - only time will tell, however, if it stays in the queue.  We should know in about a week’s time if indeed it does become an FPI but the mere fact that it did go into the FPI queue is already saying something about Antonia’s creativity.  I’d love to hear your comments, however.  You, as my patrons, are at least as important for my creative process as the FPI elves!



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