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This was the first time I was invited into Anka’s bedroom and it felt like a great honour, not least because Anka doesn’t really like bedroom shoots.  If you take a look at her Instagram, you won’t find many images of her in a bedroom, let alone on a bed.  So I hope I made justice of it!  It was a very small space and impossible to do a full body shot. Even for three quarter shots, I had to be creative. I love the lead image - where I’m behind the wardrobe or was it the door frame.  That was partly to create space to take the shot but also to make it look voyeuristic - Anka loved this idea and her expression is perfect for the occasion, I think.  But I’d love to hear what you think.  

By the way, this is another Honey Birdette set and all images in this post were retouched by Alexander Fess.




Hi Zeus Would love to see these shots straight out of the camera, before retouch. As usual incredible images.


Great work. I love the idea of using bed's frame. Gives story to the senses.