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Those of you who’ve been here some time will remember that I have stuck my neck out to state that Ashley Ashton is my favourite model, much as she states publicly that I’m her favourite photographer.  The more i expérience other models, the more I can see that my working relationship with Ashley Ashton is second to none.  To start with she’s absolutely beautiful, but not just outside.  The real person behind the external beauty of Ashley is 100% reliable, smart, supportive, respectful and great fun to be with.  I have been working with her for over a year, done two trips abroad with her and never for once have I had any reason to be unhappy with her. It’s not a coincidence that we are now business partners on organising and selling photography holidays abroad.

Although geographically Ashley and I are not at all close, we shoot together at every possible opportunity.   This set of images were created late last Friday evening after Ashley drove nearly four hours from south west England to  Hertfordshire in part to meet Rafy - it was also an opportunity to shoot together, albeit briefly. We did this shoot just before we all went to dinner together and while Rafy was going through the images we created earlier. I did also get a few duo shots with both Rafy and Ashley, two of which are included in this post.



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