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Good afternoon patrons. Really excited to have agreed a shoot and possible regular collaboration with the model in the first image for later this month. For the time being I won’t reveal her name, only that she’s a top notch model with rather high levels. Let’s leave it at that for now.  Can any of you guess who she is?

The second shoot has just been agreed for this Saturday.  It’s another event in London with loads of models and quite a few photographers - with the same organisers as the one I attended in November. Some of the models who’ll be attending are models you know: Bellita, Phi Rose,  Rebecca Rose, Patricia Elena - I shot with all of them last time.  The shoot with Phi was short but so good that we had a much longer one just the two of us since.  In addition, Anka Z is also on the list.  As you may remember I’ll have a three hour shoot with Anka, anyway, later this month.

The only reason I’m now able to make it on Saturday is that Jess Louise has asked to postpone the agreed Saturdays shoot to a later date.  I have offered her 6th May.

So to sum up, here’s the updated list of shoots for the rest of May

Saturday 13 - London event, many models (list in second screenshot)

19-20 May - Rafy Lifee (who is flying from Rome to London just so we can shoot together, third and fourth screenshots)

22 May - mystery model in the first image (south of England)

24 May - Anka Zapala (London) - fifth and and sixth images

I‘m also in discussions with two other gorgeous models for additional shoots on 22 and 24 May.   I’ll keep you posted!



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