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Still excited from today's shoot with Natalie guys! We shot for about five hours in a lakeside hotel room in Rutland, the smallest county in England.  The room has a nice balcony with lake view but unfortunately it was raining - pouring down really - for most of the afternoon.  We did, however, manage to use it when the rain stopped plus I also used it to shoot from the balcony into the room.

At the end of the shoot I had over 1400 images and 19 videos.  Natalie went through all the images and she favourited over 200. The images in this post are screenshots of thumbnails from Natalie's favs.   I went through Natalie's favs and made my own selection - it was still 144 images.  My retoucher will be very busy in the coming days and he's very happy! I'll probably send about 30 for editing tomorrow and another 20-30 next week.

While having my dinner tonight, my excitement from the shoot was dampened by a not so nice email from YouTube - they don't like my channel and they have banned me! Oh dear.  So I am afraid guys you will have to bear with me while I create links to the videos from my Google photos account.  If any of you can suggest an alternative video hosting site, one that allows arty nude videos, please let me know asap!




Might be an idea to start an onlyfans account. Either that or a similar site