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It’s Sunday, so here’s my attempt to make it a funday for all of us!  Do read this very carefully!

Do you like the music from the Godfather movie?  I do love it and recently I’ve been playing it a lot recently. I hope you do too because it’s coming up in future behind the scenes videos! It’s truly inspirational to me.

Now what’s the connection to Chesca, you might well ask.  For some peculiar reason I now associate Chesca with the godfather music. It may be her Italian name - Francesca or her Italian glam looks, or that’s she‘s just oozing Latin sex appeal.  She would look perfect in that kind of movie, in my honest opinion.  She would make the classic femme fatal.  Am I crazy to think that?

Now the Quizz:  music does inspire me during shoots and it also does inspire my models, but quite a few of my models don’t like my music choices. So sometimes I play music for the model that does nothing at all to me eg pop.  There are however three models who love my music choices during shoots can you guess who they are?

Now the prizes:  For each correct guess you’ll get a treat with that model in your inbox!




My 3 guesses are Ashley, Vanessa and Sammie