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It took me some time to discover this beauty’s name as I only shot with her for literally four minutes - photos doesn’t lie, the first shot was at 14:58 and the last at 15:02.

My first model of the day, Alicia, was changing, and this stunning lady was coming down the stairs, so I took the liberty of stopping her for a few minutes to take a few shots.

We hardly said a word to each other during those five minutes and never got round talking to her afterwards as I was indeed a very popular photographer with several other models on that day - they made sure between them that there was no rest for the wicked!

So, I had to go back to the list of models to find out who this one was.

But the pic is amazing, is it not?  Her name is Patricia Elena, by the way, she’s on Instagram if you want to see more of her.  Although none of the pics there are as good as this one - I say modestly.



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