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With three votes, Julia wins the poll that I ran last week.  The runner up is Tania Aresti with two votes.  In third place we have Anna Chumakova, Amber Tutton, Bambiii Eyes and Margarita with one vote each.  So, expect to see more of them in the coming weeks and months on my Patreon

Sadly, like in all elections we have had a considerable number of abstentions - as only nine of you voted out of 22 entitled to vote last week, the turnout was less than 50%, which was rather disappointing.   If you have missed it and you still want to cast a vote, just do so in the comments section below by simply naming the model  (as long as you haven’t already voted, I know who has and who hasn’t!)

i must add that I’m delighted to see that Julia was the winner for a number of reasons.  First and foremost, Julia is a relatively new model so continuing to work with her helps me as much as her, so we have incentive compatibility here.  Not surprisingly, her work ethic is very strong - she kept going even as I was getting tired myself, she never complained about it being cold and generally was a very pleasant company to have around.

Last but not least, not only did she work hard as a model, she was probably the best helper I ever had in the villa, although I must add that Ashley was great on that too.   You might not care about this, but believe me I do care a lot about that.  It’s no fun being around a diva for a week even if she behaves herself in front of the camera.  

ps: I systematically avoid to shoot with models who the reputation of a diva, anyway, but then some are more willing or indeed better at household chores than others.



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