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Tanya modele loves to tease and this video is a good example of how naughty she can be at times. It starts with her sunbathing by the pool at Aphrodit hills villa, then she dips tantalisingly in the pool.  It continues with Tanya teasing at an archaeological site and ends with a little selfie video she made which is the icing in her teasing cake! No wonder she called herself Tanya Tease!

ps: They say there’s always a silver lining in any cloud and thats very wise.  I only rediscovered these video clips as I’m desperately searching to find videos to delete in order to create space on my iCloud, as I’ve reached the 2 TB storage limit on my iCloud. Expect a few more video surprises in the days and weeks to come, featuring not only Tanya modele but also Jasmine High, Gigi Rouge, Ashley Ashton, Amber Tutton, Vanessa W. and others.

video link: https://photos.app.goo.gl/dhF6ev5GKr2kSaAE8


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