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Looking back at the last two weeks of shoots in Cyprus, the shoot with Victoria on 29th September, especially the morning at White Stones, stands out as the one where I got many beautiful art nude images.  No wonder I also won an FPI from that shoot - although I hope there will be some more from al my other shoots.

The location, as you know, is one of my favourites in Cyprus. The weather that morning was most cooperative, unlike my shoots with Tania at Aphrodite rocks, where one day was cloudy and another windy!  It also helped that on that day even the usual fishermen weren’t there and victoria was completely free to express herself.  Some of these images clearly show that she was totally uninhibited!

These are all the 12 professionally retouched images I have from that shoot.  Of course I have hundreds of unedited ones. Let me know if you want to see some of those. 



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