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This is something I've been trying to do for a long time - yesterday it was a golden opportunity to try again as the sun was actually dipping into the sea and my model was happy to be au naturel on the beach.  I tried it with Amber back in March but although the pics were good, she was wearing a thong, which makes it a bit unnatural.

It was really challenging to get Tania's palm at the right place but I think we have more or less succeeded in at least one of these images.  Do let me know what you think please and which one is your favourite.    Your feedback is always important for me.

ps: These are all unedited images, although I've sent my favourite one to Alex late last night for retouching. 




Great images - number 3 is best I think for composition and exposure :)


Thanks Stuart, number 3 is the one I sent off for retouching - glad we picked the same one! Really value your feedback - I'm now more confident I made the right choice!