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Delighted to share the news that I have won another FPI on Purpleport this morning, this one featuring Athena Rose on white stones.  It‘s my second with Athena - the previous one is also included in this post and had her lying on the white stones. Both are from a sunrise shoot on 20 October 2021. Interestingly I was using a Canon 24mm f2.8 wide angle lens  and speed light flash (which brought out the white in the white stones, without it they’re a little yellowish - see my earlier post on use of flash).

I’m now encouraged to upload another one from the same shoot - it is quite similar to the first FPI (which I also include in this post) albeit a bit more mysterious and a different edit - the first FPI was my own edit, frankly all I did was to tweak the colours slightly; Athena’s body needs no edits!

The new FPI arrived on the first day of 2022 that I‘m starting to shoot again in Cyprus. My model for the next three days is the stunning blonde Amber Tutton. Look her up if you don’t know her already.  Watch this space! 

ps: the weather in Cyprus the last few days has been atrocious, cold and raining - today is a little better but still cloudy and cold. It will likely be an indoor shoot today but tomorrow we’re expecting glorious sunshine and a gradual increase of temperatures. The gods of Olympus are with us! 



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