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This Week in Seeds of Fate there unfortunately isn't really an update.

See, in trying to fix a bug mentioned last week with the previewed Flame Matrimony skill, I accidentally rolled back the program a little too far and then had to spend this week getting back to where I was in development. The good news is in doing so I caught a couple other bugs I was able to fix, and I am 80% sure where the conflict is in the code that caused the bug that started all this, even if I don't know how to fix it myself. I'll have to commission a coder that's done some other work for the project to take a look and see if he can fix it. Other than that and fixing some dialogue typos I caught, not much else got accomplished.

No image to show off since there's nothing really new worth showing off. Sorry for the disappointment! To make it up to you, I'm going to try and devote a little extra time this next week into doing something close to a double update.



That's rough, but good to hear there's a silver lining.


Are you using version control for the project? git or something?


Dropbox, but I actually have to remember to do the backups for it to work as intended.