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A while back I had this idea for a sort of parallel character to Ushima Kokoro; a girl named Kodama Aida, known to her friends as Ai-chan. She'd have a weird magical thing where if she fell in love she'd suddenly become pregnant. And she fell in and out of love a lot.

I never really figured out where to go with it beyond that, and I might end up trying to refine and reuse the design for something else entirely; but the idea was worth a picture that ended up getting animated into a growth thing by a pretty cool guy that you might have seen around the internets.

Last night I realized I'd never actually shared the static piece though, so here we are.




Love it 😍

Brittany Bovine

Definitely should do more, it's a very interesting idea!


This is good, the pose looks tricky but you managed to pull it off well. Who did the animation? I haven't seen it.

Ariana Legna

Great stuff! I'd love to see the animation too


This sounds kind of like an idea I came up with not too long ago, where on Mother's Day any woman who thinks about motherhood or maternal things becomes pregnant, possibly their mind altering and they become more maternal. It would have been a sort of tongue-in-cheek horror story, a small group of women succumbing one by one to pregnancy. (EDIT: Why did my post upload twice, and before I was done with it? Why can't I create paragraph breaks?) Anyway, I wanted to say this idea could easily go dark, or at least somber, with Aida beginning to shun people and walling herself off so she doesn't become pregnant again or more pregnant (however it works). Not sure how to play this for laughs, as your stuff tends to be. Maybe as a gender-bent harem series where it's one girl and a bunch of guys, and falling in love with each new guy makes her more pregnant and then she's living with seven or eight different guys, each with an extreme personality. Or maybe a spin on Snow White, I don't know.


Love the concept of this character. It would be great if we could see more of her.


Well, back when I had the idea it was going to be something inverted to what Kokoro's story was. Whereas she was the perspective character that transferred into a normal school, Ai's story would be about a normal person that transfers in, and is the only one that isn't used to Ai's antics and thus finds it strange still. Sort of a straight man in response to the weirdness of the surrounding world thing would have been how I would have played it for laughs.


<a href="http://webmshare.com/play/jBE56" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://webmshare.com/play/jBE56</a>


And her classmates are used to it, barely noticing it, and that just confuses him even more. Kind of like Frank Grimes?