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"Date night is great and all but can we please go home before I explode out of this thing?"

Background Technique: "Speed" Painting from Monochrome

+ Theoretically good for detail work
+ Works best with more complex shading
+ Good for stuff that requires bokeh/background blur

- Very time consuming. Name is currently a misnomer.
- Kinda sloppy looking.
- Requires better perspective
- How tf do people pick colors?




Looking good! Using a limited palette and controlling where to use harder or softer edges with different brush combos can give you a more refined look if that's what you're looking for.


I know it is not very comfortable but she should still take pride in the fact that she can still pull off that dress.


Now this is an awesome background. Really glad to see you make the switch from AI (honestly this just feels better if that makes sense). Honestly backgrounds like this or even the less detailed one in the Minecraft are fantastic.