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Moon Knight S01E06 Gods and Monsters FULL REACTION



Jake was there from before, at least since episode 4, but i believe that whenever Marc or Steven wake up with blood on their hands it's always Jake, Marc doesn't like killing so he tries always to be non lethal.


A WHOLE MONTH OF XMEN!! Let’s go that’s gonna be so fun


Oscar Isaac only signed on for one season, but that's so he wouldn't be locked into a franchise that he didn't end up liking. So he has more control over the terms of a second season. I suspect it'll happen eventually, and because of the leverage Isaac has it will be quite good.


It is awesome that you guys enjoyed this show so much, I really enjoyed it as well. I have always appreciated the variety of genres within Marvel as a whole, but they really kicked it up a notch in the Multiverse Saga. I know it’s a giant undertaking with all the content, thanks again for all your hard work and sharing in our love for all things Marvel!!! I am stoked for a few weeks of more X-Men!!!

Cynthia RG

There a few hints of the third alter throughout!

Count Monte-Cristo

WTF? Cash grab? This piece of crap is sitting here and thinking we're some stupid people paying to watch reactions to some chip, not interesting, meaningless stories, even after watching the whole Infinity Saga? That's an insult on a personal level. I'm out of here.


How this series feels separate because other MCU stuff is not really referenced (except some Easter Eggs in the background to show they're still in the same world) is pretty much how comic books are. They tell their own individual stories with the main characters. Crossovers of characters are the minority, which is why they're special in the comics. People who watch the movies have come to expect crossovers. I think, after "The Avengers" and people saw how cool it is for characters we know to come together, they kinda constantly look for that. I also think that maybe that is why the MCU does do character crossovers and cameos as much as they do, to give the people who kind of expect it a lil sum'n and to remind everyone "We're still in the same universe here," and to head off certain questions about if other characters know about what happened in this movie. I feel the TV series are trying more for the feel of comics by diving deeper into the individual characters and showing how cool they are individually. I see a lot of people, when they watch a superhero movie (and sometimes TV show) that's part of a larger universe, always ask "Where's...so-and-so? Why aren't they helping?" I'm like, "'Cause they're in their own movies, dealing with their own problems." When you read comics, you never ask, "Why isn't someone coming to help Spider-Man?" because you expect Spider-Man do handle his problems. The only thing you ask is "How's he going to fix THIS??" This was not a rant directed at you guys, I'm just pointing out what I see is the difference between TV shows and the movies. Movies are more "events" and the TV series are what the individual character have to deal with in general, between the EVENTS.


It's great that you are going to eventually watch all the Netflix stuff. I personally really loved Daredevil, Jessica Jones and The Punisher. Luke Cage was decent and Ironfist was my least favourite but yea they are a lot of fun.