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We MIGHT do SCI-FI again next month with all remaining suggestions from this month! Hopefully allow for some of the lesser movies get a chance 💕



Ellie Humpage

So glad you picked dune to watch!

sierra's reaction corner

Yesss Everything Everywhere All At Once!! Super excited for the Harry Potter reunion and more Moon Knight! I’ve never watched the X-Men movies either so this will be interesting. I’ve also never watched The Maze Runner but I love Dylan O’Brien so this month will be fun!

Alyssa Dyson

Yay Dune! 💜 Also a lot of other good ones too.

Joseph Bayley

Yay, everything everywhere all at once is going to be fun 😁


That's a pretty great looking month ahead to me guy's ❤️😍

Ellie Humpage

Gonna be a good month! Also wanted to ask if you are going to watch the walking dead : dead city and Daryl Dickson?


Can’t wait to see you guys watch Maze Runner, and Dune. Dune is my top movie of all time. Can not wait! Great great month ahead!

Axel Graf

If we are talking about Sci-Fi already: The expanse is such an awesome TV show on Prime. It‘s often talked about as the best Science Fiction show out there, certainly worth a watch.


Separate note: X-Men hype! lol


Waiting for the day you can fit Arcane into your schedule. Highly recommend doing it before season 2 comes out in November. Catch the hype!


X-MEN!!! I just watched the first movie a few days ago I’m so excited for you guys to watch it

Taylor Lewis

I know Transformers is super hit and miss with a lot of people, but as a mega fan of it, I am happy that it got through.


Hopefully this is the start to the X-Men series, if so I am SOOOO excited.


They'll be watching everything in twd universe yes lol tales of the walking dead once world beyond is finished though


They’re going to watch everything walking dead so that includes all the spinoffs

Uga Engelhart

My only conciliation for the fact that transformers and maze runner won out against so many amazing sci fi movies is that we already got to watch Arrival last month, which is my fave sci-fi of all time.

Uga Engelhart

Oh shit! Just noticed Dune is in the rob/trin picks! Now I definitely can not complain. <3


It's on their radar already lol but they only have limited time to record and have a full schedule already, it'll come eventually I'm sure 😊

Ali Ünalan

What a month again... can not wait for X men especially

Cindy Clarkson

I hope for Sci-Fi again next month, so movies like Contact, Children of Men and 12 Monkeys get a new chance. But it‘s ok this month.


Love Rob and Trin!!! Their picks are awesome.😎

Jordan Tanner

Everything Everywhere and Rob and Trin’s picks are fire. 🔥


Xmen!!! 🥳🫶🏽 we've been patiently waiting for this I'm so happy 😊


I bet trin picked man of steel for the same reason we did 😜😂


Everything Everywhere All At Once finally made it, nice !! I can't wait, this is a good month again ! Definitely wasn't expecting Transformers to make it too especially with the other big movies in the poll but as a fan I'm very curious to see the reaction 😂 Can we expect more DC stuff since you're watching Man of Steel ? 👀

Take a Ticket

We have to see what it is like, if it is good and we like the vibe then we may do more in the future <3

Amber B.

The Suicide Squad and Peacemaker are where it's at 🙌🏼


Thank God for Rob and Trin's picks cos the others?...Is there a massive amount of tweens? Just don't ever include the Twilight saga in a poll, they'll break their keyboard. With some of the great suggestions that were in the poll, this is just depressing. Maze Runner and Transformers? Sci-Fi? God help us.


Okay, regardless if you like it or not, I would recommend checking "THE Suicide Squad" and "Peacemaker" like someone else just said here, it was made by James Gunn who also did Guardians of the Galaxy so it's definitely a different vibe 👀

Jose Dominguez

So excited for Wall-e 🥰


What a month! yay


x-men!!! what a surprise!!!


This month is going to be awesome! Personally I would have liked to see some of the stand alone sci-fi movies win, but I’m all for a franchise. Speaking of franchises, I am super stoked for the rest of Moonknight and for the start of my favorite corner of the Marvel Cinematic Multiverse, X-MEN!!!

Wendy Sparks

Love the idea of more sci-fi continuing next month also. You guys love James Cameron, and Spielberg... so I hope you eventually get around to more of their classics like The Abyss, and Minority Report. Plus other gems like Equilibrium and Ex Machina. And Pitch Black, I Robot, The 5th Element. The modern Star Trek movies. We've got time though. Just keep reacting until we run out of movies. ;-D

Jack's World

Avatar gang don’t lose hope! We got this 🙏🏻

Jenny Lee Villanueva

Yes, thank you for repeating the poll next month 💜💜


You know, you just don’t have to watch? I’m the one who suggested Maze Runner. And I’m so glad it won. This is coming from someone whose favorite movies are DUNE, Blade Runner 2049, Donnie Darko, and Arrival. It’s okay to have popcorn flicks from time to time. Not everything has to be so dark and heavy. And Maze Runner IS science fiction. Science fiction doesn’t have to mean space, and space travel. But anything that’s not typical fiction, or real. Such as maze runner, transformers, or Man of Steel for gods sake. I’m glad Maze Runner won. It’s a great time. And I know they will love it. And it clearly has plenty of people who also want to watch, because it won right behind Wall-E


I live for the day when R&T watch Apollo 13 (Tom Hanks). Just warning you though... I'll only wait about 20 years.


What a month ahead 🙌


Maze Runner is one of my favs!

Ezekiel rage

Star Trek 2009. so you're saying there's a chance. Oh thank you.


I'm glad you guys picked Man of Steel, it came to close to winning and honestly a TOP TIER movie.

Steven Schmaling

I’m probably wrong about this but the spin-offs don’t need to be watched in any particular order. If that’s true I’d love for them to start with the DD one

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I'm only looking forward to seeing you both watch X-Men and Wall-E. I didn't vote for Wall-E because I hoped other movies would make your schedule for this month, but Wall-E is good. I am most excited for you both to begin watch the X-Men movies! :) I really hoped that you would be watching the first of the Fantastic Beasts movies this month as well, but... Hopefully next month. I enjoyed the Harry Potter Reunion, but I don't think it's worth watching more than once, and therefore it is not really fun to watch in a reaction. At least not to me. But I hope you both enjoy watching it. :) Sincerely, Heidi

Darren Penuliar

Holy shit what a stacked month for us nerds lol. So glad you were able to fit both EEAO and Man of steel!


Personally, the 4th is the only one I mildly enjoyed haha. I strongly dislike 1-2-3-5 (couldn’t even get trough half of 5 actually), and I haven’t seen bumblebee and the most recent beast one

Marty McGee

Lots of good ones here, but be warned: a lot of franchise starters here too. Also, DUNE! Let's go!!!!

Taryn Clay

Thank you for DUNE! One of the best films of all time imo


Absolute banger of a month for movies! Looking forward to it

Chris Goodwin

Only reactors I keep subscribing to on Patreon. Your line ups are always fire.

Jordan Tanner

Personally, the first three picks are not for me, but that is overshadowed by how amazing EEAAO, Moon Knight, and all of Rob and Trin's picks are. Can't wait!


There will be. Will just take a little longer to upload if it's a longer film , usually around 9am UK time it's uploaded on Fridays.

Sand Man

OMG i have been wanting X-men but for whatever reason i never think to suggest it to a poll, cant wait to see your reaction, GREAT movies for the lineup



Richard Batten

I am so excited for you to watch Dune. The author of the Dune series (Frank Herbert) is a genius. The books are a foundational piece for the modern science fiction epic. My favorite author of the genre. Denis Villeneuve is one of my favorite Sci-Fi directors and also a genius (Dune, Blade Runner 2049, Arrival). I can't wait for this reaction.

Aura C

wonderful selection

Richard Batten

Right?! When I didn't see it on the final poll, I hoped it would be one of their picks. Their picks never disappoint.

Richard Batten

Spider-Verse, Arcane, Blue-Eyed Samurai have absolutely changed the animation landscape

Richard Batten

Dune might be my favorite Sci-Fi movie of all time, at least top 3. Absolutely love the books. Read them once a year. It's an amazing adaptation.

Kim Magee

Yay x men

Kim Magee

Bloody great month imho


Stoked to see your x-men journey


Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion! ;)

Jordan Tanner

I’m begging you—choose to watch the directors cuts of ‘Batman v Superman’ and Justice League. Night and day difference on how good the film is.


Dune! Been voting for it on so many polls 😭 lol


Speaking of The Abyss, I have been waiting for YEARS for Cameron to release this great film on Blu-Ray and/or 4K, along with True Lies. Finally both are scheduled for release in the US in both formats mid-March. My order is already in. Very excited.


Also, to add I, Robot is my favorite Sci-Fi film. Love the premise and just want to mother Sonny.


I also really like Transformers 1 and 2. They have everything I look for in Sci-Fi; action and humor. Also, really loved the parents and the dog.


If you think he is soooo ugly in this film then you should see him in Man From U.N.C.L.E. What a troll!


Every one of these films are great picks! The list to choose from was pretty great honestly.


When are we doing a TV show poll? Really wanna see you guys react to Prison Break.



Miroslav Blabla

That would be great! There are many TV shows I would love to see, Prison break is definitely in these. Not so common among creators.


This might be an out of left field suggestion but does anyone know if they have seen the Jurassic Park films?


wanna see them play the telltale walking dead game sooner than later


Any chance y’all seen the movie piranha 3D?


hi, I just became a patron so that I could watch your Lord of the rings reactions, but now the links don't work 😥😥😥

Take a Ticket

Try the only link there is with Sync . com in it, they all work cause I just checked them. 2 of the links are dead but i removed them to be less confusing


the video took forever to start, but right now it's working. I hope it stays that way. Thank god. Very excited to watch this. 🙏🙏

Take a Ticket

It might buffer sometimes but the player is solid <3 I will try and add another link later ofc if it helps but depends on peoples internet with those Sync . com links


Their LOTR reactions are my favourite of any reactors. I hope it’s working for you because it’s so good!!!


Yes I watched it all the way through. It was amazing, I basically cried for 10 hours 🤣😭😭😭😭

Take a Ticket

So glad you felt like we did, was one of the best experiences we had on the channel so far 💕


yes I noticed. From the very beginning you were so emotionally involved and I was so happy about that. Definitely the best Lord of the rings reaction I have seen! 💕 LOTR is just the greatest thing ever and I love that you noticed right away how special it was. (oh and by the way, even in the cinema you should not be ashamed for crying. I saw the third movie more than ten times in the cinema and everytime people stayed till after the credits and they were all bawling their eyes out.) 🤣🤣 I watched the music in concert. I looked around and everyone was crying again 🤣 great reaction guys! ❤️

Haresh Gerard


Jacob Laughbon

There is a fantastic Sci-fi/comedy show called Eureka that I think you both will really enjoy.


Really excited to see what you guys think of Transformers. I remember the first 3 movies being alot of fun


I love Eureka. I have the entire series on Blu-Ray.


Omg, so glad someone else mentioned Eureka, love it. It didn't take me long to get my cousin hooked to it as well.


Next week is gonna be great with EEAAO and Dune!

George Baxter

Has Multiverse of Madness fallen off the schedule? Or will it follow after Moonknight?? For some reason that show does not benefit from a rewatch... Or do we have to watch all of the X-Men films before getting back to the MCU?!

Michael Celia

Multiverse of Madness should be after Moon Knight. And I'm assuming they may view the X-Men films one a month like they did with the Harry Potter franchise.

Oriana Lo Presti

Are you guys planning on reacting to Society of the Snow? There is a new reaction everyday, it's nominated for 2 oscars and is getting more and more popular btw. Just wondering if you even know what I am talking about lol


If it's suggested in an appropriate genre poll and wins a place then they will . Patreon polls pick the movies they watch lol

Oriana Lo Presti

Well I'm not really sure where I should "suggest it" not seeing a poll. But regardless, just want to make them aware of something new and popular right now


End of the month they post a poll for the following month's movies, and based off last month's poll it probably will be another sci fi month because it was so popular this month with tons of suggestions. If your movie fits into the sci fi genre, look out for the next polls that should be posted sometime next week

Sydney Elizabeth

Hi Rob and Trin! I was wondering if you could tell me what you use to watch stuff together? I’m trying to watch Dark with my friend across the country but not sure what to use. If you could help, I would appreciate it so much! Much love!!