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Neal Riggins

Really glad you're doing this show though I have up after the first season. I hear it will probably have vital info for the R&M spinoff. One of the weaknesses of this show is the acting. The actress playing Huck is atrocious. Lol.

Lucas V

Hard disagree :p . I wasn't a big fan of the show either but I thought Huck was one of the only highlights lmao


I watched TWD for 6 seasons and after watching the first ep of season 7, said, "OK, I'm out." Truth be told, I didn't think I was gonna last more than one season since I'm not a huge zombie fan, but that's a testament to the writing and characters of the show to get me to last 6 seasons, which is what I told people. I felt, after that time, that there didn't seem to be a point to the show, like it was working towards anything. I tend to immerse when I watch things and a zombie apocalypse is not any place I really want to live and I was feeling exhaustion of thinking about living in that world and since no one seemed to be looking for a reason for this all happening, let alone a cure, after that visit to the CDC in the middle of S1, I didn't see much a point to keep fighting to go on. I was with Andrea at that point where she wanted to just sit in the CDC after a good meal and wine and just let death be instantaneous and thorough. She was convinced not to do that by Rick and look how that turned out for her (and the rest of them). To me, there's no point in living in that world and I felt like I was just being jerked around by the writers, "Give them hope for something nice, then dash that in a heartbreaking way. Rinse, repeat." All that being said, I found this show interesting because of the different take and perspective of people that haven't been living out in the world all this time and have been in a relatively close to previous civilization and how they view the situation. Also, it had people at least TALKING about working towards a future with some sort of plan. Ya know, some hope. It also is more a mystery than the other shows and that made me curious. I hadn't watched S2 of it yet, so this is a good reason to finish it up. I'd like some answers, even if those turn out to not pan out. Ongoing pain and survival while just running into more and more f'd up people is just not a place I care to hang around in. Heh, obviously I'm in the minority here since this is TWD fans comment section, but I just wanted to say that I was intrigued by this show a lot and wanted say where I was coming from and why my POV is probably different from a lot of TWD fans that don't like this show. I liked it BECAUSE it was a different perspective and story than TWD and FearTWD (which I watched about 1 1/2 seasons of that). Happy New Year!...3 days late. :-D

Sherry Bandito

That’s too bad you stopped on s7 e1 the later seasons were so good plus the awesome characters you didn’t get to see


I know it probably sucks that you guys have to hear how so many people don't care for this show as you're starting it. I never watched it, but I'll definitely be watching your reactions so it'll be my first time as well which is cool because I've never reacted to a show this way before. Opinions on the show aside, I think most people would agree that the order you guys are going in will be the most satisfying in the end

Kamanda Hickey

I watched 2 episodes of this show and I was out. I had a big problem with the dialogues. It was like the characters were telling the stories to each other like they have never talked about it before - just for us to have the full story- which is convenient. I hate when movies or series do that. But, I decided to come back and watch it with you guys. Your input might make it more bearable 😅