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Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince 2009 FULL REACTION


Kaylee Smeaton

The creatures in the cave are known as Inferi, and are basically undead/zombies of a sort. Only fire hurts them too. If I remember, they're the bodies of everyone Voldemort has killed.


Thanks for uploading this! A Christmas treat for us! been waiting =)


I looooove your reactions guys, and how good you figuring things out, and how observant you are! This is one of my favourite movie series, and I can't wait to watch the last two with you too ❤️ (I also hope you'll react to the 20-year anniversary reunion too, it's really worth it!😊)

Mariya Rosa

Loooove the reactions, guys and the commentary after that! I love how you got the things that most reactors didn't figure out! And we're excited that you'll do the 2 movies left on the same month! I'll miss your Harry Potter reactions every month though, but I hope you'll watch the Fantastic Beast movies (it's a Harry Potter prequel). We want to hear your thoughts about those. Thank you and Happy Holidays, Rob & Trin! ⚡ 💜

Ae Jae Meade

So Dumbledore needed Slughorn, he wanted to resume his potions position. Snape has wanted that position since posted but he was refused because Dumble didn't want him to be tempted with his old ways. However this was more important so Slughorn got his spot and so did Snape. Now, think of the curse of the position. Snape finally got to be Prof. Of the Defense of Dark Arts. It then signaled his last year as a teacher due to the curse. Evey puzzle fit. I'm so excited for Deathly Hallows 1&2

Kyle L

Extra context because you guys were curious if Draco even had the ability to kill Dumbledore at the end there: Voldemort was furious with Lucius Malfoy at the end of the last movie for failing to get the prophesy from Harry. (If you remember, he ended up dropping it and it broke.) As punishment for his failure, Voldemort forced Draco to complete this impossible task of assassinating Dumbledore. Draco was never meant to be able to pull it off. Everybody knew he would fail, and then Voldemort would kill him for it. It was all just a way of torturing Lucius. He was unable to even try to give his son any guidance because he was locked away in a cell in Azkaban. His son was being set up to fail and there was nothing he could do about it.


Great Reaction as always we lost our favorite character that protected the Hogwards's grounds rest in peace my dear Aragog the headmaster spider 😂

Nathan Hill

The next movie is my second favorite of the series after Prisoner of Azkaban

Sand Man

hey guys , love the reactions, was wondering which of the harry potter movies have been your favorite so far? I personally love the goblet of fire

Lucas V

What a great week for reactions. TWD finale, FTWD 6x8 and this.... Thanks for all the great reactions as always, had a lot of fun rewatching everything with you guys :)

Célia Boisson

He asked about splitting his soul into 7 pieces. Which would mean creating 6 horcruxes + the bit of soul in his actual body.

Célia Boisson

Those are examples of Harry's sass in the books (from year 1 to year 6) : “No, thanks," said Harry. "The toilet's never had anything as horrible as your head down it— it might be sick." Then he ran, before Dudley could work out what he'd said … “I know what day it is,” sang Dudley, waddling toward him. “Well done," said Harry. "So you’ve finally learned the days of the week.” … “Pity you can’t attach an extra arm to yours, Malfoy,” said Harry. “Then it could catch the Snitch for you.” … “Congratulations, Harry!” she said, beaming at him. “I wonder if you could give me a quick word?” “Yeah, you can have a word,” said Harry savagely. “Good-bye.” … "Listening to the news! Again?" "Well, it changes every day, you see," said Harry … We know you're up to something funny,' said Aunt Petunia. 'We're not stupid, you know,' said Uncle Vernon. 'Well, that's news to me,' said Harry. … 'Cool name,' said Harry, grinning and falling into step beside is cousin. 'But you'll always be "Ickle Diddykins" to me.' 'I said, SHUT IT!' said Dudley, whose ham-like hands had curled into fists. 'Don't the boys know that's what your mum calls you?' 'Shut your face.' 'You don't tell her to shut her face. What about "Popkin" and "Dinky Diddydums", can I use them then?' … 'Yeah? Did he say you look like a pig that's been taught to walk on its hind legs? 'Cause that's not cheek, Dud, that's true...' … Running to Daddy now, are you? Is his ickle boxing champ frightened of nasty Harry’s wand?” “Not this brave at night, are you?” sneered Dudley. “This is night, Diddykins. That’s what we call it when it goes all dark like this.” … “Manners, Potter, or I’ll have to give you a detention,” drawled Malfoy, whose sleek blond hair and pointed chin were just like his father’s. “You see, I, unlike you, have been made a prefect, which means that I, unlike you, have the power to hand out punishments.” “Yeah,” said Harry, “but you, unlike me, are a git, so get out and leave us alone.” … “Harry, don’t go picking a row with Malfoy, don’t forget, he’s a prefect now, he could make life difficult for you…” “Wow, I wonder what it’d be like to have a difficult life?" said Harry sarcastically. … “Yeah, Quirrell was a great teacher. There was just that minor drawback of him having Lord Voldemort sticking out of the back of his head!" … This is your copy of Advanced Potion-Making, is it, Potter?” “Yes,” said Harry firmly. “Then why,” asked Snape, “does it have the name ‘Roonil Wazlib’ written inside the front cover?” Harry’s heart missed a beat. “That’s my nickname,” he said. “Your nickname,” repeated Snape. “Yeah... that’s what my friends call me,” said Harry. “I understand what a nickname is,” said Snape. … “ You’re dead, Potter.” Harry raised his eyebrows.” Funny” he said, “you’d think I’d have stopped walking around…” … “Well, I’m terrified now,” said Harry sarcastically. “I supose Lord Voldemort’s just a warm-up act compared to you three – what’s the matter?” he added, for Malfoy Crabbe and Goyle had all looked stricken at the sound of the name. “He’s a mate of your dad, isn’t he? Not scared of him, are you?” … “You wait. I’ll have you. You can’t land my father in prison – “I thought I just had,” said Harry. … “You may wear that scar like a crown, Potter, but it is not up to a seventeen-year-old boy to tell me how to do my job! It’s time you learned some respect!” “It’s time you earned it." said Harry. … “Do you remember me telling you we are practicing nonverbal spells, Potter?” asked Snape “Yes,” said Harry stiffly. “Yes, sir.” “There’s no need to call me ‘sir,’ Professor” The words had escaped him before he knew what he was saying.

Bram Fatman Hènry

I can’t wait for the last two now, and then Fantastic Beasts which I thought was actually great! Eddy Redmayne a proper British gem.