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The 100 S3E06 Bitter Harvest FULL REACTION


Milen Mladenov

I watched this twice before i saw BSG... while watching BSG i was comparing it to this :D and the inspiration for this show is mainly based on BSG + Lost first part of it is more Lost and this season is starting the transition to more like BSG... it's fantastic and the whole idea of it is both chilling and amazing. As we are currently on a similar path in real life with the AI improvements in the past year (that's why Elon Musk wants to put regulations for safety)


Im so geeked for tommorow'


Pike is like that new boss that's brought in after you've spent months at work holding down the Fort and everything has been ticking along nicely then they bring in the new boss with new rules who storms in, changes everything just to prove they're in charge and it all turns to shit and all your hard work is undone in a second 😅