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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 2005 FULL REACTION



big slay im so excited


When I say I clicked that so fast 🥰


I actually had the opportunity to see this one in the London theater where it premiered (not AT the Premiere, lol, oh my, no...). I was visiting a college friend/roommate during her semester abroad. She was feeling lonely over Thanksgiving (because...of course it's just a US thing) and so I visited and we caught a showing. She hadn't read the books and had only seen the first movie, but she insisted on treating me for flying out to see her. At the end, she turned to me, horrified, and said, "I thought this was for kids!!!" And I laughed 😅 yeah...no... not after book 3...


Rob I live in Edinburgh and there's a whole shop dedicated to wands and Harry potter bits in town on the same street where jk Rowling sat in a wee cafe and wrote half the 8 books. You'd have the best time in that shop 😅


Yessirrr 😊👌🏻

Chelsea I.

This was the first one that I saw in theater. I watched the first 3 with a friend at her house, and I couldn't wait for this movie to come out.


The one thing I like about your react channel that I can't stand about others, is that you're not the kind of reactors that pause the video every 5 minutes to talk about stuff that just happened, making the video 3 times longer than it should be. With that being said, you guys are the only react channel I can watch. Others just make me angry, or just have uninteresting reactions. Keep up the good stuff Rob and Trin 😊


I Can... Watch. You. Now. 😅


Rob you might recognise Rita Skeeter the journalist from Black Adder! she played Queenie


The movie that changed the series into a more horror and real series, the fun and games from the first couple of movies is gone


In the book, there actually is a cash prize. That's a major reason the twins want to enter. There is a whole subplot that revolves around them trying to make money, which the movie condensed into a brief moment when you hear them taking bets on the tournament. There are a few other things that got cut, but that's the only one I'm sad about because it's a fun part of the story that carries through to the next book. Love the twins!


You said about how Voldemort died so how could he be back from the dead if Dumbledore said death was absolute. Voldemort technically didn't. Think of it like Sauron. He was defeated but some of him survived so he had a chance to recover. This movie really marks a turning point because this is the first time Harry properly experienced death before his eyes (if you don't count his parents because he was too young). The coming of age and the death of childhood innocence really does feel like the end of the light, colourful children/young teen part of the franchise. Also there's 8 movies. The last two is a Part One and Part Two.

Célia Boisson

Frend and George are just a few months below 17. That's why they don't look younger than Cédric.

Sand Man

This movie is where they really start to dive into magic, dragons, potions, deadly forbidden spells, better quittich. And the story really hits a turning point in this movie, you learn of the death eaters, HUGE character development and some death.I love these movies and your reactions are a breath of fresh air, like I'm watching for the first time again, thanks for the amazing reaction


I’d love to watch you guys play Hogwarts Legacy


There are few actors that can portray a sociopathic supremacist as well as Ralph Fiennes can. I love him in this franchise. When you guys said you were jumping into the Harry Potter franchise and had already watched Schindler’s List I couldn’t wait for you to get to this movie to see if you recognized Ralph, who portrayed Amon Goeth, the main Nazi commandant. It has been so much fun revisiting this world with you two, the next movie is my favorite!

Célia Boisson

I don't know what to think of this movie. I really have the feeling that if you didnt read the book  there's a lot that you don't understand. It's a big book and a lot is happening, so many sub-plots and all. They really should have done a 2-parters for this one in my opinion. I think i read they hesitated. Also, they changed a lot of things because, probably, they didn't have the time. Like the maze in the third task is completely different. They actually face things, and at the trophee, they have to battle a huge spider. And we are told what the other champions do for each tasks. And of course, we have the quidditch world cup match. Yes, they did Ron dirty in general in the films. This year is a big turn in the HP story because Voldemort comes back. We tend to forget it but here Harry is only 14 and he's really traumatized by what happens in the graveyard. He's horribly tortured multiple times, and he watches Cédric gets killed. He suffers big PTSD after this and that's why i love the 5th book. You really get to go in Harry's mind and what he's feelling. I wish they kept the scene, after the graveyard when he goes to the infirmary. Harry feels really guilty because he told Cédric to take the cup with him and  Molly Weasley just hugs him. He says it really feels like a mother's hug and he's never had that before and he just cries in her arm :-(


Audiences are so used to death being a norm in movies with few mental repercussions that we forget a lot of the effects. And also in the context of the previous movies, philosopher’s stone no one really died except Quirrel and that was in self defence. Chamber of secrets a lot of people were petrified but all of them avoided death, basilisk was defeated and Harry saved the day. Happy ending. Last movie Sirius was freed, buckbeak was saved, the dementors were fought off, reasonably happy ending. We start Goblet of Fire with excitement, Harry surrounded by his friends, going to the World Cup, an amazing event at the school. Having teenage issues with Ron. Everything all goes to shit when Cedric dies before his eyes. There was no fancy battle, it was so quick because as gifted as Cedric was, he too was just a student who hadn’t experienced the world as an adult wizard had. That’s why it’s such a powerful turning point. This is truly the moment Harry lost, at great cost, and with Voldemort back the future is uncertain. That life of laughing with your friends and trying to enjoy and overcome one’s coming of age has completely shifted.


Think today worked out to be the best day for a Harry Potter watch along. The weather is horrific so I'm all set up with my Slytherin blanket and my snacks!

Célia Boisson

Another thing i forgot to add. It's briefly said in the movie but i'm not sure you got it. Harry's parents were murdered by Voldemort. But Neville's parents were tortured into insanity by some death eaters, after Voldemort's downfall. It's really tragic because the war was over basically but they still got attacked. And they both lost their mind. They are in the hospital (the same where Lockart is actually) and they don't recognize Neville. That's why he's living with his grandma. And why he was so touched by the cruciatus curse demonstration. That's the same curse Voldemort used on Harry in the graveyard. I think Neville's fate is even worse than Harry's. Being so close to your parents but not being able to connect with them.

Michelle Schaefer

The scene where Moody shows Neville the Cruciatus-Curse gets me everytime. There's some very heavy backstory there

Adam Belfort

Love seing your interest for the franchise grow after every movie, as it happened for all of us I assume :) Thanks for this! *PS : Wanted to point out how funny (and weirdly accurate) Trin's Murloc impression was.


Book : "Harry, did you put your name in the goblet of fire ? asked Dumbledore, calmly." Movie : "HARRY! DIDYOUPUTYOUNAMEINTHEGOBLETOFIRE" That or the little scenes with Filch, I'll never understand why they made Dumbledore so pissed off in this movie 😂

Célia Boisson

Haha, this is the HP version of "did you know Aragorn broke his toe kicking that helmet ?".


Yay! Thank you both for the incredible reactions - I’ve enjoyed so many movies with you and you’ve helped me through some challenging times 😍

sierra's reaction corner

I said it before in the other Harry Potter reactions, but as the series went on and the books grew longer and the storylines more complex and heavy, there was more and more left out the movies or implied or skimmed over with the assumption that the audience had read the books and therefore understood what was going on. I read all the books before the movies, but personally I don't think that changes much in terms of enjoyment of these movies. It just explains why you ight be confused or left wondering about some things. And the Goblet of Fire book was by far the largest compared to the first 3, so there's a LOT that was trimmed and changed for the movie. They did skip Harry's time at the Dursleys' this movie, but he was still there. He was only at Ron's place so they could all go to the World Cup together. There is a legitimate reason why he has to stay there, beyond the fact that they're his only living blood relatives and his legal guardians. I would say it, but I don't remember if or when they address it all. Hermione's "ugly ducking into a swan" moments in this movie are a bit ridiculous, but it's also ridiculous and unfair and maybe even cruel to cast anyone, much less a child, with the qualifications being that they're "ugly" or not attractive. In the books it was a repeated occurrence that Hermione was bullied for her looks, on top of her intelligence and attitude. So this moment in the books was a big deal for her. But you can't really convey that well in a movie. Ron was definitely an asshole in this movie, but that does transfer over from the books. I'm not as bothered by the inconsistencies of Ron's movie portrayal compared to book Ron as much as others are, he's still one of my favorites either way. At the end of the day he's just a teen boy who makes some bad choices. I love that you've noticed Harry's growing sass, in the books he's very sassy and it's not always picked up on by people when they watch these movies because it doesn't show itself as frequently. But Harry's too funny sometimes lol Fred and George were upset about the age restriction because they were 16 and gonna be 17 in a few months so they felt cheated out of being able to participate, they weren't much younger at all. The Triwizard Tournament was a bit of an ancient event that hadn't occurred in many many years because of the deaths that would happen. I don't remember why they decided to reinstate it now, but of course it's when Harry goes to school, his life would be too simple and peaceful otherwise lol The Triwizard Tournament actually did have a cash prize. The winner got a shit-ton of money. Harry of course won the tournament, but as he's already rich and also still haunted by Cedric's death, he doesn't want it. He first tries to give it Cedric's father, who refuses it and then I believe he buys something for Ron and then gives all of it to Fred and George as an investment because they want to start a business. I'm surprised you didn't recognize David Tennant sooner! You said he looked like the guy from Doctor Who, but I thought you'd have noticed that immediately lol Some complaints people have with this movie are directly related to some of the scenes they chose to skip like the Quidditch World Cup game and the scenes they chose to really make more dramatic like Harry's fight with the dragon. In the book, it was a totally contained fight (there were dragon handlers there to stop the dragon from getting free or hurting the audience) and Harry did a bit more to fight it. Also, you're confusion about Voldemort. Most of the Wizarding World believed he died after trying to kill Harry. Others, like Dumbledore, believe he was merely defeated but still out there, biding his time and building his strength. And we knew that too from the first movie, Voldemort was pretty much nothing more than a spirit or parasite trying to survive, by possessing Quirrell and drinking unicorn blood. His body had been destroyed in his altercation with Harry and hence he needed Wormtail (Peter Pettigrew) to do that ritual to give him a body and his strength back. It was definitely a dark ritual/spell, but Voldemort was never dead and thus wasn't brought back to life. Dumbledore barely explained it, but Priori Incantatem is what happens when two wands with the same core interact. Harry and Voldemort's wand both share the same Phoenix feather and when they faced each other in the graveyard, it triggered those spirits of the last people Voldemort's wand had killed. Despite the changes, I still love this movie a lot and I'm glad you had a good time! A lot of people don't like the emphasis on the teen drama, but it's very realistic and much more fun to me. Can't wait for the Order of the Phoenix reaction!

Alyssa Dyson

I was gonna comment some stuff but the comment before mine pretty much says it all lol although I liked the last movie better theres not one movie I dislike and I love your reactions to them 💜

Anthony Fioravaniti

I just have to say, I was surprised to hear you've not seen Doctor Who, Rob. Although I'm now hopeful you and Trin might react to it at some point. I really think you would enjoy it. At least the reboot starting with Christopher Eccelson (sorry if I spelled that wrong). Pretty Please with sugar on top.


I think they’re gonna finish Walking Dead relatively soon, but don’t know if that means a new series will be voted on

Michael Harrop

Amos Digglory screaming 'that's my boooooy' haunts my dreams. Such a phenomenal performance

Calculatus Eliminatus

Love your reactions. At least on my PC (downloaded the sync.com version), the volume mix between the movie and your reaction is off compared to what it normally seems to be. Movie level is too high. I want to be able to hear you to and at several points, especially when there was lots of movie noise/music, your reactions were not really audible. Not sure if any new tools or settings were used. To be clear, it's normally reasonably balance. Thanks for providing entertaining insight, guesses and genuine enthusiasm in all your reactions.

Adam Belfort

I've seen a french one where Dumbledore says "Did you take the cocaine Harry ?". Pretty good too tbh haha


Hey Rob and Trin i think the movie is too loud in this one, cant understand what you guys are saying in some parts of the movie cause your reaction sound is way too low.

Bradley Weeks

Trin, You had me laughing so hard with that shiteater comment. Thanks!


(Late) Harry Potter Facts part 4: 1. Cat tax for Ellie next Harry Potter Reaction please 2. The dance in the scene before the maze trial that the girls from Beauxbation are doing is the Macarena 2. The shots in the dorm room have now changed so the boys feet are not shown, this is because as the actors got older they could no longer fit in the beds & their feet hung off, the directors changed the camera angle so you could not see their feet while filming instead of changing the prop, the original beds are still available to view at Warner Brothers Studio Tour in Watford :) 3. Cedric (Robbert Pattinson) would only hold his wand with both hands (like a gun) because he thought looked too stupid holding it with one hand


Has anyone mentioned the extended cuts i noticed this was theatrical version. Extendeds arent much longer but add a little more substance to the movies especially 4 5 and 6 might be worth looking into

Lucas V

One of my faves this one! Looking forward to the next one as always :)

Simon Williams

I totally understand wanting to space them out but pleeeeease maybe consider watching the last 2 closer together. Just saying

Marty McGee

Goblet of Fire is my favorite book in the series. It is the turning point from dangerous but still innocent to full-on dark and real peril. That's fitting since it is in the middle of the series. I remember the first time I read Voldemort's return chapter I went through the whole gambit of emotions. I was truly not expecting that. The movie I did not like as much. Mainly for adaptation reasons though. There was so much that had to be cut because the book was at this point the largest by far in the series. There were so many sub-plots and side character development. Some have already been mentioned, but there's another one that's worth mentioning. It's non-spoilery for the movies. Dobby and another house elf had some significant roles in the book. It also had Hermione starting SPEW - a movement to change the status of house elves as slaves. The treatment of house elves in the books led to some significant plot points that were never really explored in the movies. It's funny that while reading the books and watching the movies, I never questioned the ethics of sending a child to a school where there was always a high possibility of death or maiming or major injury. LOL! Loved your reactions as always!!

Célia Boisson

I had the same issue for this one, it was sometimes really hard to undertsand you because the movie was so loud compared to your voices.


This one is one of my favorite movies from the Harry Potter series 😍 but One thing I didn't like about this is they change Ron made him a horrible character in this movie I see the big difference The sudden shift of character traits I knew you guys would caught that it's way out of character. And we get introduced to Lord Voldemort one of the best highlighters of this movie 🍿🎥


So much great things happen in this movie it was action packed had a good tournament learn so much about the new characters you guys had the best reaction keep up the great work

Sherylin Johnson

Trin & Rob, in the pensive/trial scene did you catch the name of the person who was tortured? Longbottom, Neville's parent(s). Also, the winner of the Tri-Wizard tournament won a sack of money.


Yeah it gets darker and darker. Can’t wait. They can’t come soon enough!!

Taryn Clay

and the T shirt idea lol "Rita Skeeter- the Shit Eater!" I died

Taryn Clay

Definitely making a t shirt "Rita Skeeter- The Shiteater" Thank you Trin and Rob


Ralph Fiennes who plays Voldemort was also in Schindler’s List. He played the nasty German who kept the Jewish girl in his pantry. He is a brilliant English actor. Loving watching these with you. When Cedric dies and his father weeps over him gets me to tears every time. Thanks for your reactions!


Hope you get around to new Who some day. David Tennant is not just a Doctor... for me, he is The Doctor. I love that he's in this one... where there were tents that are 'bigger on the inside'.

Peter Ceniceros

Same here especially after knowing that back story from watching the entire collection just hits different.

Peter Ceniceros

Can't wait for Order of The Phoenix!


Nice reaction, i also recommend reading the books, especially in this movie's case, there was a lot of material and they cut out some parts that would have made everything clearer. For example the maze at the end is filled with sphinxes, boggarts and other creatures, Hermione blackmails Reeta Skitter, and the ending is way darker and serious compared to the movie. Also, every movie is darker from here on.

Nathan Hill

Remember, when Ron saw himself in the Mirror of Erised, it was him with glory and renown as Head Boy and Quidditch Captain. He wants what Harry has, even though Harry doesn’t. So when Harry is named a Tri-Wizard champion and once again gets what Ron has always wanted, he’s jealous. Add in the fact they’re fourteen and it just compounds that emotion. Yes it seems dramatic to us but he’s a teenager who is constantly second fiddle to his famous friend.


It's been a long time since I read the books, but Ron's self-esteem has always been a point of his character and you can see it more in the books so that you can see it naturally coming to a head, but since the movies have to cut stuff, it's only slightly hinted at before this. You see there's something different about him and his relationship with Harry at the beginning of this movie, on the train. He's a bit colder with Harry and refuses when Harry offers to pay for his candy that he couldn't afford. I think you guys might've missed that, so when he's mad at Harry for getting picked, it seemed to you out of the blue. Everyone was mad at Harry 'cause they thought he cheated and his celebrity status makes it seem like everyone plays favorites for him. Obviously books have the time and space to inject more subtlety and a book series can build up that over time.


They didn't do Ron dirty... he's reacting as many would, even adults, being overshadowed by a famous friend who's always in the spotlight. Not Harry's choice or fault... but, eh, teenage emotions can run hot and cold. Though I'm actually not much of a Ron fan, movie-wise anyway. (I find him generally insufferable. And also because they are trying to tell me that there's chemistry in one place, but in my view, it's actually somewhere else.) But I do understand where his jealousy towards Harry was coming from.


Just finished watching with you. Both of you are great, best movie companions ever. Anyway, I don't recall reading anywhere in the comments that you have already seen, or been told, about the 3 prequels. The first is Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. I really enjoyed those films and it does explore the magical world internationally. They are set in time it appears to be 1920s or 30s. I won't write anymore about them in case you do decide to react. I hope so.

Ae Jae Meade

I'm sure you'll figure it out but just a heads up, there are 8 movies not 7


Rob's "why does Dumbledore keep hiring questionable staff" sent me into orbit lol


Hey guys, just a reminder that this isn’t in the Harry Potter collection. Just incase you forgot!