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What If T'Challa Became a Star Lord FULL REACTION



I liked this episode a lot more than the first. I'm not a fan of the animation design, but I still had a lot of fun with this episode. I thought Thanos was great. Imagine how much power the Avengers would have with Thanos at their side. 😄

James T Williams

IIRC this was one of, if not, THE final thing Chadwick had recorded before his passing.


I think with regards to is the power level of Thanos different, I think it is. The Genocidal version of Thanos we saw in the main MCU timeline was hellbent on war and killing and getting as powerful as he could to ensure his plan of wiping out half the universe. Whereas this Thanos has been convinced by T'Challa that there is a better way and probably isn't as trained in war and combat as the other one.