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Harry Potter And The Chamber of Secrets 2002 FULL REACTION


Kaylee Smeaton

Finally ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


So happy to watch this. Can't wait for the other movies. 👍😊

Alyssa Dyson

The function of a rubber duck is to make bath time lots of fun. Cmon guys lol 🤣

Nathan Hill

Hype. Been looking forward to this for a month


So exciteeeed to watch this one and all the others with you!


As a fellow Slytherin, I must throw in my two cents about the subject of the chamber of secrets and Salazzar Slytherin. Now, right off the bat, my theory is not confirmed by anything official, its just a very popular fan theory, but I think it makes more sense than what the characters in the story present it as. We DO know from confirmed lore that Salazzar Slytherin was in fact best friends with Godric Gryffindor, and obviously he would have been on good terms with the other founders for them to work together in the first place. So, the idea that Salazzar was just this raving lunatic pureblood supremacist never made much sense to me - I believe its something that the characters in the story believe due to a twisting of history over time. The Hogwarts founders would have been living during a time when witch hunts and religious superstition and fear were at an all time high. Muggles were a real fear for wizard-kind. Not only because they would have been actively hunting magic beings, but also because we know that magic in the HP universe was innovated over time and back in those days, its entirely likely that many of the super powerful spells that we know today weren't yet discovered, so it was perhaps not so easy to deal with a muggle mob trying to burn you at the stake, nevermind official church inquisitions and the like. So, my and many people's theory is that Salazzar wasn't just some raving lunatic, but rather that his motivation for wanting only purebloods to attend the school was instead driven by a fairly reasonable fear - if they accept people from muggle families, they have a higher risk of discovery. Now, obviously, he was still wrong to exclude non-pureblood wizards, but understanding that he was doing it out of fear for the safety of the students, rather than out of hatred would make ALOT more sense, considering he was best friends with Gryffindor who surely would not have made friends with a lunatic. And as for the Chamber of Secrets/Basilissk, there is also a pretty simple explanation. Its entirely likely that he never intended it to be used for what Voldemort/Tom Riddle ended up using it for. Its instead very likely that he had left the chamber as a defense for the scenario that he was so afraid of happening - of muggles discovering/invading the school and seeking to do harm to the students. We don't know what the Basilissk was like before it was originally discovered by Tom Riddle. For all we know, it was Voldemort's influence that turned it into a weapon against muggle-born wizards. Again, this is all fan theory and not confirmed, but in my opinion, this makes for a much more compelling history than the one we are presented with - but it doesn't even negate that, because it makes sense that people would have twisted the history over time, so it makes sense why the characters in the story believe the things they do. It still doesn't make Salazzar right by any means, but it makes him less of a comically evil character into a compelling villain instead. Because if Salazzar really was as evil as they say and if Slytherin was just constantly producing evil wizards, then why in the fuck would it still be allowed to exist? (Which we also know isn't true, because Merlin was Slytherin)

Keyuana Gray

Wait I thought you guys were on the third, Prisoner of Azkaban

Michael Harrop



I had the same idea. I have no idea how my brain hallucinated the memory of them already watching the second film, but they never did. Maybe because my brain kind of groups the first two movies together.

Michael Harrop

So glad you're on this journey, id really recommend reading the books too, the films do their best but as they go on they're trying to adapt 700 page books in to a 2 hour film. So much is missed out and so many details are just them assuming the audience will know the books.

Michael Harrop

Because its unnecessarily rude to people who provide a hell of a lot of content for you, you can't get everything you want. It's their channel and they do their best to give us what we want.


Fun Facts about Each Harry Potter movie part two: In this movie Emma Watson (Hermione) was so embarrassed about hugging a boy that they had to pause the shot during editing to make it longer. Originally she was supposed to hug both Ron and Harry but wouldn’t do it so they only have her hug Harry. “I didn’t know you could read” was an improvised line by Tom Felton because he forgot his real line :) Sad Fact: this is the last Harry Potter movie with the amazing Richard Harris as Dumbledore as he sadly passed away a few weeks before the second movie was released. A new actor replaces him next film.

Lil' Slim Fourzkin

I'm not arguing that Michael. You and I PAY just under a couple bucks for this sub compared to Netflix/hulu/etc. All I am asking for is a little bit of fan fare from ACTUAL fans.

Alyssa Dyson

This comment is weak. If you dont like it keep scrolling or be respectful and maybe send them a DM about it. Dont be rude on a video they did that you dont like.

Lil' Slim Fourzkin

I didn't think I was rude? I was just expressing my opinion. I am not sorry for upsetting you. I think they are great videos but what business do you have here? Oh right. None.


so then why the "weak" comment? what are they being weak about? Reacting to a movie they have had in the schedule at least two weeks? Them not reacting to something you want? Not putting your recommendation above everything else they have already lined up? Or are you saying the movie itself is weak??

Kaylee Smeaton

I believe there are end of credits scene on chamber of secrets regarding what happened to gilderoy lockhart after. Also you will absolutely LOVE Prisoner of Askaban, its one of my favourites, and also the start of things getting a little less cosy and a little more darker, but a very very good film. The actor who plays Dumbledore from film 3 was a brilliant choice for Dumbledore. R.I.P Mr. Harris.


I love Ron his facial expressions are amazing and he’s also a really good actor

ln_wanderbooks (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-18 17:21:51 Like someone said in another comment you should really read the books, the amount of lore they left for the movies is sad. Some movies leave too much behind while others try to compensate, which is why for me some are really good and some are bad, but if you read the books after the movies it would make the experience better since it zill only add up to what you already know. About Harry living with the Dursleys, you've seen in the first movie that family and blood magic is very powerful
2023-08-18 15:08:59 Like someone said in another comment you should really read the books, the amount of lore they left for the movies is sad. Some movies leave too much behind while others try to compensate, which is why for me some are really good and some are just bad. But if you read the books after watching the movies, it would make the whole experience even better since it will only add up to what you already know. About Harry living with the Dursleys, you've seen in the first movie that family and blood magic is very powerful. Since Petunia is blood related family and they live in what used to be Lily's house, it gives Harry a protection he wouldn't have anywhere else just by living with them. Also you could see Filch at the beginning hiding a letter Harry and Ron found on the floor, this is never explained in the movies but not a spoiler don't worry. The same way wizards can be born out of muggles, muggles can be born out of wizards, they're called squibs. A wizard born from muggles has a fascinating magic world to discover, while a squib knows this world but can't really be part of it which is a lot more frustrating. Filch is a squib and the letter was from a school teaching magic to muggles. Don't worry about the Slytherin, they have a higher number of dangerous people but they also have amazing wizards. The few a**holes you keep seeing are always the same ones, there are many others just doing their lifes without bothering anybody. And Gilderoy Lockheart is a Ravenclaw XD

Like someone said in another comment you should really read the books, the amount of lore they left for the movies is sad. Some movies leave too much behind while others try to compensate, which is why for me some are really good and some are just bad. But if you read the books after watching the movies, it would make the whole experience even better since it will only add up to what you already know. About Harry living with the Dursleys, you've seen in the first movie that family and blood magic is very powerful. Since Petunia is blood related family and they live in what used to be Lily's house, it gives Harry a protection he wouldn't have anywhere else just by living with them. Also you could see Filch at the beginning hiding a letter Harry and Ron found on the floor, this is never explained in the movies but not a spoiler don't worry. The same way wizards can be born out of muggles, muggles can be born out of wizards, they're called squibs. A wizard born from muggles has a fascinating magic world to discover, while a squib knows this world but can't really be part of it which is a lot more frustrating. Filch is a squib and the letter was from a school teaching magic to muggles. Don't worry about the Slytherin, they have a higher number of dangerous people but they also have amazing wizards. The few a**holes you keep seeing are always the same ones, there are many others just doing their lifes without bothering anybody. And Gilderoy Lockheart is a Ravenclaw XD


Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy) does a great job portraying the little shit in the movies, yet is so gentle and kind irl.

Maggie Barbour

I don't know if it is really explained in the movies but there is a fact they left out. In the first movie, the wand maker Olivander explains that Harry's wand has a phoenix feather core and that that phoenix gave one other feather and that was used in Voldemort's wand. What they didn't explain is that it was Fawkes, the phoenix in this movie that was the one to gift it.


Am sorry to say we're all far away over the internet so we can't give you a bic bic and rub your belly because you're a grouchy little man today! There there, it'll all be ok little soldier! Keep your chin up its only a boo boo!


If you go back, you can see he picked up one book out of Ginny’s cauldron and put two back. They made a point of showing it and Harry even making note of him putting it back, though he didn’t notice it was more than one.

Kallie Pampuch

And the new actor they got (Michael Gambon) looks very similar so it shouldn't be too hard to adjust.

sierra's reaction corner

This is probably my least favorite movie of the series which is saying something, because it's still SO good! Besides Lord of the Rings, the Harry Potter is one of the best book to film adaptions out there, even with it's issues. There's always so much to pull from the book and you're absolutely right that the pacing is never slow. As a heads up, there's lots of things left out of the movies because they kind of assume that most viewers have read the books, but it doesn't ruin the experience imo, it just means if you're confused on some things there's probably a reason lol I'm sure people will fill in the blanks in the replies. This is the last movie with Richard Harris playing Dumbledore, he passes away in between and Michael Gambon replaces him for the rest of the movies. Tom Riddle was definitely a Slytherin, it might have been hard to decipher the Slytherin crest on his robes because the flashback was in black and white. It makes sense that because these earlier books and films were definitely targeted towards children, and our main characters ARE children, the perspective towards Slytherin is more black and white, good vs evil, "They're bad and we're not", but there is a bit more nuance to these things. It's like Dumbledore said "It's not our abilities that show what we truly are, it is our choices". Being a Slytherin doesn't guarantee that you're a bad person, nor does being a Gryffindor, etc guarantee that you're good. It's even a popular fan theory that even creation of the Chamber and the opinions of founder Salazar Slytherin are more nuanced than we're given. Especially considering in their time period, people were still being burnt at stakes and hung for suspected witchcraft. It's pretty logical for Slytherin to prefer having only pre wizards at the school, as a precaution from the dangers Muggles posed. And as the centuries went on, that fear of what Muggles could do, was twisted into a prejudice and hatred for them instead. Either way, this is the film that introduces the theme of Magical racism into our story which is crazy. And to answer you're question on how Hermione is a witch if her parents are Muggles. Magic functions kind of like a recessive gene. Someone in a muggleborn's ancestry had magic and it just happened to resurface in them. Children are more likely to be magical if both parents are magical, but it's not impossible for even magical parents to have a non-magical child. That's actually the case for Filch, the caretaker. He's a Squib, born to magical parents and in the magical word which is why he knows about it and can live in it, but he possess no magical abilities himself. Like Hagrid said though, a large majority of wizards are mixed with Muggles in someway, a lot of people being considered Half-bloods. For example, Harry Potter himself is a half blood because while his father James Potter is a pureblood, his mother Lily was a muggle-born and so Harry's maternal grandparents were Muggles. The Weasley's are a pure-blood family. One of my favorite things about these movies is how there's no doubt that Voldemort is our main villain and Harry has faced him 2x now (3 considering when he was a baby), but it's been in completely different ways so it doesn't feel stale or just a repeat of the 1st movie. Can't wait for Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (my favorite movie)!

Victoria Davis

The Prisoner of Azkaban is also my fave film and possibly book from the series as well. This was the first book series I read that made me love reading! Growing up with the characters as they did was also a neat thing to experience.


Can’t wait for the next one! One of the great western fantasy films possibly


Oh boy I love the next one and number 5! Although all of them are awfully good!❤️


Is this the extended version?


Just in case no one clarified Voldermort/Tom Riddle was Slytherin. You might have gotten confused by the colours of hogwarts logo on his cloak. Best way to know their house is to look at the colour of their tie. Also the next movie is my absolute fave can't wait for your reaction 🤭


Loving the ride with these with Rob and Trin ❤️

Veronica B

Rob, Merlin himself was a Slytherin. The Order of Merlin First Class medal has an emerald green ribbon. And Abraham Lincoln is one of the most Slytherin energy historical figures I can think of. Don't fall for it. Have pride! Think of all the other Slytherin students to come and go through the school who were perfectly lovely people.

Bradley Weeks

This was fun! Can't wait for the next one, and then the next one, and so on, and so on.


Rob, just to point something out about the diary and how Ginny got it... If you watch that scene again and look closely, you can see Lucius Malfoy remove a book from Ginny's cauldron, and when he puts it back you can see him adding an extra book.

Cynthia RG

Can’t wait for the next one! Prisoner of Azkaban is my fave


About time I've been waiting all week hopefully you get to the fourth Harry Potter movie The goblet of fire my personal favorite


the third film definitely was my favorite when i was kid

Mariya Rosa

Excited for the next film! Hope it won't take a few weeks pretty please 🥺🥰


Same thing at my school. All our house ties had different coloured stripes and mine was green 🫣


Before I get started you guys said Harry was the weakest actor that's a damn lie 🤥 everybody did great in this movie especially Harry Potter so much emotion this was a phenomenal movie can't wait for the fourth one my personal favorite one.


Jenny really likes Harry Potter she's not influenced by that book to like him. The world building gets more crazy throughout the series and also RIP to the guy who plays the first two Dumbledore he was good for these first two moviebut now we're going to get the real Dumbledore really love this actor that's up next to take the mantle. Can't wait till you guys get to the fourth one my personal favorite The third one was good too but the fourth man oh man Man anticipation is killing me 😭


Looking back at these movies is amazing so much things you could pick up from knowing what you know maybe you guys will have some rewatch in the future of these movies of course by yourself but still so much Good memories. I'm always excited when y'all watch The walking Dead I never been this much excited for you guys to complete the Harry Potter movies 🎥 You're in for a ride and adventure


It makes complete sense by me reading your fan theory I think the fan is right on the money on this it makes a whole lot of sense and also it goes with the lore because we all know witches and wizards were probably hunted down and killed so it makes sense that Salazzar Slytherin who would makes such a rule to protect his students and fellows comrades from the witch hunt.

Steven Schmaling

I was wondering if Rob would spot the cameraman in the dueling scene but it’s pretty tough to do unless you’re looking for it


I went to school with the blonde kid whispering about Justin letting slip to Harry about being a Parselmouth. Then his scene got cut from the theatrical version.


Riddle was a Slytherin, not a Gryffindor.

Junie Tunes

Woo, Trin is a fellow Ravenclaw! 🐦‍⬛ You haven't been introduced to the coolest Ravenclaw yet, so excited to see you meet them soon. The first 2 movies are awesome, but starting with movie 3 Prisoner of Azkaban it really kicks into high gear and the movies age with the characters. Great reaction Rob & Trin 💙


Kenneth Branagh was so enjoyable as Lockhart! I would've never thought to cast him as such a vapid character... but he really ran with it. Originally, Hugh Grant was cast... who I can fully picture as Gilderoy... but he had a scheduling conflict. Branagh turned out to be a brilliant choice as well.

Sherylin Johnson

If you go back and watch the beginning you'll see Ginny only had one book in her little cauldron and then after Malfoy picks up the book to look it over then puts it back you'll see he put back 2 books. Also, Ginny never technically met Harry in book 1-- she saw him on the platform but that's it.


Jason Issacs was a welcome addition as Lucius Malfoy. Another great performance of his is in “The Patriot” from 2000. Lots of great performances in that one actually and a very good movie. I am also a Draco fan, and Tom Felton is excellent in his portrayal of him. Looking forward to Prisoner of Azkaban! Glad you guys are enjoying the magic!


Pretty sure Draco just stole that page because he a thief lol, like he stole somebody present


You can see Lucius Malfoy pick up one book from the couldron and put 2 books back if you look closely


Tom Riddle is a Slytherin, not a Gryffindor. BUT Rob, you have to remember that not all Slytherins are the same and just because you’re a Slytherin doesn’t mean you’re anything like Tom Riddle, Draco or Lucius. Slytherins are very much villainised in the movies but we need to stand together and show our Slytherin house pride! 💚 There a lot more decent Slytherins than the movies make out

Sherylin Johnson

Tom Riddle is most definitely NOT a Gryffindor, he's a coward!


Rob, you were questioning about all the dangerous stuff around the school and what are the limits of what the teachers allow and such. The wizarding world is a dangerous place (I'm pretty sure they say that early on in the first movie and that if they aren't mindful, you could end up dead) and the school is for young wizards and witches to learn about all of them if they're going to traverse them when they get older. Something like the Whomping Willow is something they need to learn about and probably would've in normal course, but Harry and Ron actually crashed a car into it, so the danger they were in was not a planned school activity since it's a bit of a one-of-a-kind thing. Sort of like, taking a school to the zoo and some kids crash a vehicle into the gorilla pen. That wouldn't stop you from ever having field trips to the zoo 'cause that would be a RARE event. There's dangerous stuff all around, but the stuff like the mandrakes were young and those screams wouldn't kill you until they were older and they don't let the children around the adult ones. Pretty much anything that the kids can normally get into or learn about firsthand are things they can fix, magically, if they go wrong. Then they chock it up to a learning experience. So yes, if something is roaming around in danger of actually killing the students, they'd have to close the school, especially if they don't catch it in a timely fashion. Their school isn't like our schools in many ways, but it still relatable enough that we can see some parallels. Biggest lesson of the school for me is never forget that magic is dangerous 'cause once you do, people will get hurt or die. But, it can do wonderful things if used properly.


In the diary memory, the color was all washed out so you couldn't tell, but when Tom Riddle is in the Chamber of Secrets and he's becoming real, you can see the colors he's wearing are green (Slytherin) not maroon, like Gryffindor.

PhoenixReturns (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-22 05:16:37 It does make me a little sad when peoples first introduction to this universe are the films, as the book are incredibly better than the films themselves, but, saying that, at least i get to see the reactions this way :D
2023-08-22 02:11:51 It does make me a little sad when peoples first introduction to this universe are the films, as the books are incredibly better than the films themselves, but, saying that, at least i get to see the reactions this way :D

It does make me a little sad when peoples first introduction to this universe are the films, as the books are incredibly better than the films themselves, but, saying that, at least i get to see the reactions this way :D


There’s so much I want to say but can’t bc spoilers lol! I just can’t wait for you to watch more! It gives me so much joy seeing you two encounter Harry Potter for the first time! I rewatch Harry Potter & LOTR all the dang time and often just have one of them on in the background lol! They’re so comforting.

Julia Ashley

Rob saying "This whole school's a nightmare, I'm sorry" had me dying. LOL So very true. I've often been reading the books or watching the movie and in my mind thinking about how unnecessarily unsafe the school is for no reason besides it's just quirky. lol

Julia Ashley

Also, don't worry being in Slytherin. It's a great house! There are bad people in all of the houses and not everyone in Slytherin feels that way about pure bloods. :)


Does anyone know when POA drops?

Ae Jae Meade

Stopped to note a few things(don't know if its been said) 1. 3 Onwards will have a different actor for Dumbledore as Richard Harris passed away 2. Harry is not pure blood, he's half blood as his father is pure but his mother is muggle born 3. In the first film we hear parselmouth normal as to not confuse us listening as we just entered the world but in the second film it is showing us the perspective of others listening to it. 4. If you rewatch the beginning at Flourish and Blotts book store when Lucious takes Ginnys books he adds the diary into the stack Cheers 🤗

Sand Man

do they plan on continuing? i really hope so, this was my childhood and there reactions are amazing

Junie Tunes

Anxiously awaiting Prisoner of Azkaban!