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Thank god alpha is dead her face is so punchable negan has become such an important character i really love that the former main antagonist killed the new main antagonist in the exact same way Rick stopped him.

23p23 41

The way Negan treated Alpha is because she reminded him his wife Lucille. Like he said his wife had cancer and was on chemo so her hair fell off. So he probablly saw Lucille everytime he looked at Alpha


Whooo! I've been waiting for this one.


Shame we didn't see the whole battle, but still a pretty awesome episode.

Bassorelli Chiara

Just in case you didn´t know, this was Carol´s and Negan first ever scene together, and that was hell of a first scene together, I LOVE IT! And Trin I loved that you noticed that little scene of Carol looking at Glenn´s painting, like she was saying "I´m sorry I let your killer free". I think Negan was really trying to change Alpha´s mind at the end of the episode, maybe trying a way to not kill her.


First time ever seeing Carol and Negan in a scene together. Samantha Morton was a beautiful Alpha.

Jack's World

Not seeing the whole battle was really shitty, I can’t imagine it’s anything more than a budget issue & them not knowing how to write the whole battle :/. The ending was great, but it annoys me to no end that Carol acted the way she did the whole season KNOWING that Negan was out doing this for her…like why the fuck would she put everyone at risk the way she did so many times?! Really cool we had Carol & Eugene finally share a conversation together!

Kamanda Hickey

The Alpha /Negan relationship was so confusing at first. I think Negan had a plan all along but he got caught up in his actual attraction to Apha. There is no way he would’ve let anybody hurt Judith or Lydia though so that made me realize quickly that it was all a plan. But him working with Caroll was the best thing ever. RIP Earl and Marie 😩


(NO SPOILERS!) I know y'all were messing around at the end there, but Jason Douglas (Tobin) isn't a foot taller than Beta, Beta is actually taller than him, lmao! Tobin is 6'4" (193.04 cm) Ryan Hurst (Beta) is 6'5 1/2" (196.5 cm) Which makes Beta the second tallest character in the show. The first being Big Tiny, the tall prisoner from S3, who is 6'8" (203.2 cm) However, Beta's comic counterpart is the tallest in the franchise as a whole. standing at a ridiculous 7'1" (215.9 cm) almost a foot taller than his tv show counterpart!


I loved how Negan slit Alpha's throat the same way Rick slit his back in the season 8 finale.


I am in heaven rn with the reactions because I love the 100, twd, harry potter, and MCU so you guys definitely are putting in that content for sureee


imagine if abraham was still alive to go against beta i think i would been good fight

Linda wightman

Is anyone else gonna miss Alpha just the tiniest bit just think Sam mouton was excellent and will miss her presence in this show such a A class actress. Loved your reaction as always.

Tylor Smith

Abraham would of got bodied. Anyone 1 on 1 would lose due to the sheer size and weight. They are portraying the comic book strength etc even tho the actor isn't as big as the comic book guy. Hell negan was alot buffer in the comics. Wont spoil the comic fight beta gets into but goddamn is it good.

thomas fowler

one of my favorite villains, definitely bitter sweet seeing her character leave the show


Is it just me or it just seems like Rob and trin always know what's gonna happen next, it's spooky because there guesses are always right, like 99% of the time.

Reverend Jim Jones

Negan infiltrated them and took them down! He's the real alpha. I'm so glad my favorite character got to be a good guy.


Sometimes it's so on-point that I wonder if Rob's already watched the episode ahead of time, hah! But I just think he's really observant and knows TV tropes.